Moroccan leaf secret

in #indonesia7 years ago


Benefits of Kelor Leaves | Benefits of Leaves Kelor For Health - Apparently not all know the benefits and efficacy of kelor leaf, some people do not understand even abstinence to consume the leaves kelor, whereas in the leaf kelor there are nutrients and content that is very important to keep the body healthy, leaf kelor also useful as herbal remedies to cure various diseases.

Even tea from Moringa leaves contains a high polyphenol, which serves as an antioxidant that is useful to detoxify the human body so that it will boost the immune system so as not easily susceptible to disease. Because of the many benefits and efficacy of the leaves of this kelor the scientists call it The Miracle Tree "(Magic Plants)

Before more about the benefits and efficacy of the leaves of Moringa for health, it is not less important to say is about the moringa and keloraman, so this discussion becomes richer information with the hope that it becomes part of the health refrensi.

Kelor Leaves and Gynecology
Moringa olifera Moringa oleifera is a plant of the Moringaceae tribe that has a stem of about 7 to 11 meters tall, with a yellowish-white flower that emits an odor with a smell of fragrant odor, and has a fruit with an elongated triangular shape usually called a span and usually can also be cooked as a vegetable.

Research has been done on the leaf of kelor leaf, both on the leaves, bark, fruit and seeds, known since 1980 the majority of the population of Somalia countries, etiopoa and sudan make kelor leaf as vegetable and believed dor kelor useful to maintain health, even the results of this plant they traded.

WHO (World Health Organization) recommends that children and infants who are still growing to consume the leaves of Moringa because kelor leaf nutritious to maintain and improve immunity and prevent malnutrition in children.

The results showed that Moringa leaf contains all the essential amino acids (essential). Except for vitamin C, all nutrients contained in fresh moringa leaves will increase (concentration) if consumed by dried and mashed in the form of powder (flour).
Below is a comparison of the nutrients contained in fresh moringa leaves with dried and powdered Moringa leaves in powder form (flour) in the same weight unit:

In addition, several studies have shown that the potassium content contained in Moringa leaves is lower and the iron content is higher, as in the table below:

The above table is the amino acid content in every 100 g of fresh maize leaf which is proposed from the discovery of C. gopalan, et al. In each of the nitrogen grains performed at the National Institute of Nutrition in Hyberabad, India. While information on the nutritive content of dried leaves of kelor is the result of Lowell J. Fuglie's analysis supported by Church World Service and The Department of Engineering of the University of Leicester and perfomed by Campden & Chorleywood Food Research Association in Gloucestershire, England

Thus, the conclusion of the results of this study indicates that the benefits of Moringa leaves will be greater if processed into powdered leaf kelor than if the moringa leaf consumed directly as a vegetable. But despite the benefits and efficacy of Moringa leaves for good health stay if consumed regularly.

Benefits of Moringa leaf.

In addition it has found an amazing essential nutrients in the kelor leaf among others
Moringa leaves contain potassium three times more than bananas.
Calcium content in Moringa leaves Four times more than milk.
In Moringa leaf there is Vitamin C Seven times more than oranges.
And the ingredients of vitamin A in Moringa leaves Four times more than in carrots and double the protein than milk.
Benefits of Kaun Kelor | Benefits of Kelor Leaves for Health

Benefits of Moringa leaves for health

From the results of the above study it was found that on the leaves of kelor there are benefits and efficacy as follows:

--Benefits of Moringa leaves to treat Heart Disease

A scientific study conducted on laboratory animal tests published in the February 2009 issue of "Journal of Medicinal Food" explains the benefits of Moringa leaf can prevent heart damage and are useful as antioxidants. The study explains that dosing 200 milligrams per kilogram of body weight daily for 30 days results in lower levels of oxidized lipids and protected heart tissue from structural damage. Therefore, experts believe that the benefits of Moringa leaves are very significant for heart health.

--Benefits of Moringa leaves as anti-cancer

In the June 2011 issue of the journal "Food and Chemical Toxicology." In the June 2011 issue of the journal "Food and Chemical Toxicology." The leaf extract is useful for supporting early cell death, preventing the growth and reproduction of cancer cells. Leading researchers concluded that Moringa leaves showed potential for natural prevention.

--Efficacy leaf kelor anti diabetic

Zinc levels of nutrients in the leaves of Moringa is a mineral that is beneficial for insulin production. In scientific studies have conducted trials on laboratory hewa published in the June 2012 edition of "Journal of Diabetes," Each giving kelor leaf extract of 150 milligrams useful as a significant anti diabetes.

--Benefits of Moringa leaves to overcome allergies

Moringa leaf is also effective and powerful to overcome allergies by taking three stems kelor leaf and boiled, plus pulasari sufficiently, one clove of red onion, with water as much as three cups, boil until boiling water and the remaining two glasses. then filtered and drank every day on a regular basis.

--Efficacy of Moringa leaves to treat herpes disease, ringworm and festering wounds,

The disease you can treat with Moringa leaves by: mash the seven leaves Moringa leaves until smooth and diitempelkan on the skin allergy problem

--Benefits of Moringa leaves to treat eye pain

If you suffer from sore eyes immediately with the leaves kelor his way of three stems kelor leaf
grown or grounded until smooth and add 100ml water. then squeezed until they get the Moringa leaf juice. use leaf juice as an eyewash or simply dropped.

--Benefits of Moringa leaves to cope with Rheumatism, stiff and pain

Rheumatic disease, sore rheumatic pain and you can overcome by using moringa by way of 2 stems kelor finely ground and added with half a tablespoon whiting, Use this leaves kelor leaf as a param.

--Benefits of Moringa leaves can overcome jaundice

Called jaundice because the disease is characterized by yellow organs usually on the eyes, nails, and other limbs. This disease is actually due to the swelling of the liver caused by the virus. to overcome the jaundice you can use the herb leaves kelor how to mash until smooth 3-7 sticks kelor leaf add 1 glass green coconut water then squeeze and strain. before drinking should add 1 tablespoon of honey. Drink this concoction once a day until the jaundice heals.

--Efficacy of kelor leaf Helps heal eyesight Night and eye irritation

Pound until completely smooth 3 stem of kelor leaf and then brewed with 1 cup boiling water let stand a few moments while stirring then strain. Wait until cool or warm nails then add with a few tablespoons of pure honey. Drink this concoction before bedtime

--Benefits of Moringa leaves to treat worms

Worms are often experienced by children, If your child has worms you can overcome by using Moringa leaves. The way 3 stems kelor leaf, 1 stem of chili leaves. 1-2 sticks meniran third ingredients are boiled with 2 cups water to boil until the remaining 1 cup. Once it is filtered, and drink this herb every day.

--Benefits of Moringa leaf to Lose weight

Have a body problem of obesity or obesity, or belly must be suffering and appear not confident. If this is your problem, try to overcome it with Moringa leaves. By consuming Moringa leaf tea regularly and regularly is very helpful to handle digestive problems, thus stimulating the metabolism to burn calories faster. Because kelor tea is easily absorbed into the intestine.

--Benefits of Moringa leaves as a provider of energy

By regularly consume kelor leaf tea every morning is useful to strengthen body parts to stay pro-active throughout the whole day. The body will automatically feel good and energized from before.

--Moringa leaves nutritious as a provider of nutrition

Moringa leaf tea plays an important role to nourish the brain and eyes. Brain nutrition helps her to make the right decisions even in difficult situations.

--Efficacy of Moringa leaves to improve the Excretion Function

No less interesting that Moringa leaf tea helps improve and improve kidney and liver function. The body will be fit and healthy if the waste disposal function works normally.

--Benefits of Moringa leaves for Hair

Nutrition in kelor leaf tea is even nutritious to strengthen and melebatkan hair, hair becomes more healthy, strong and shiny.

--Benefits of Moringa leaves to Eliminate facial spots, whiten skin, remove acne and blackheads

Not only the disease and even Moringa leaves can we use to overcome the black spots, pimples and blackheads on the face how: Mash a handful of young kelor leaves to really smooth then used for powder or can also mixed with powder as a mask let stand 25-30 minutes then wash again.

--Benefits of Moringa leaves lower heat fever in children

When hot fever strikes the child, you can heat the child's heat with the moringa leaves. how to puree 3 stems kelor leaf by pounding after finely pasted on the crown of a child's head. do this in the morning and not during the day. for optimal results make 1 glass of kelor leaf how to do 2 stems kelor leaf finely crushed together with 2 cloves of onion, then add 1 cup water then squeeze and strain. Give your child a drink with this herb in the morning and evening.

--Benefits of Moringa leaves for diet

Because Moringa leaf can produce long lasting energy then automatically by consuming Moringa leaves regularly and linked useful to help the diet program naturally and safely.

--Moringa leaves as an eye medicine

Moringa leaves useful for maintaining the health of the lens of the eye, scaligus can be used as a drug to prevent and overcome degenerative eye disease.

--As a source of beta carotene

The content of beta carotene contained in Moringa leaves also serves to strengthen the immune system so it is not easy to catch the disease and accelerate the healing process dikala pain

--Ben oil on Moringa leaves as a source of anti oxidants

In the Moringa-containing Moringa Seeds about 40 percent, which is known as the oil of kelor oil called Ben. Moringa oil is rich in antioxidants, and the nutrients are almost similar to olive oil.

--Moringa leaves sebgai source of iron

Perhaps not everyone knows that the young rabbit leaf consumed as a vegetable is proved to contain iron three times larger than the leaves of spinach.

--Moringa leaves as a source of essential amino acids

In Moringa leaf there is an essential amino acid is a protein element that serves to repair and maintain the body's cells. The human body is capable of producing only about 10 to 12 amino acids while 8 types of essential amino acids must be met through the daily dietary intake of nutrients.

--Moringa leaves as a natural energy source

Benefits of leaf kelor leaf that is not less important is to work to increase the amount of energy naturally and durable.

--Moringa leaves overcome various diseases

Benefits of Moringa leaves can also cure boils, inhibit and prevent tumors overcome joint pain (arthritis) and even moringa leaves useful to stabilize blood pressure.

--Benefits of Moringa leaves to increase milk production

Breastfeeding mothers are encouraged to multiply Moringa leaves, because they are beneficial to increase the amount of milk production and maintain the quality of breast milk, so of course this is important for the growth and development of baby's brain cells.

--As a natural food supplement

In order for the body to stay fit and berstamina is recommended to consume the leaves kelor and fruit, because moringa useful as a natural supplement, this is because Moringa leaves rich in calcium and multi vitamins.

--Moringa flower tea as a source of flavonoids and anti-oxidants

Not only the leaves and fruit alone, even flower plants can you kelor though a natural herbal tea rich in flavonoids and antioxidants.

-- Moringa plant roots can overcome various diseases

While at the roots of moringa plants can be used as a traditional medicine to improve the circulatory system, prevent inflammation, increase appetite, good for digestion, and no less interesting is the leaf kelor useful to overcome men * nt * nan. and female reproductive tract problems.

--Overcoming various internal diseases

Based on the results of research and analysis of experts Moringa root plants efficacious to cure ovarian cancer, inflammation, kidney stones, improve overall kidney function because it helps remove calcium and phosphate from the kidneys more efficiently.

--Moringa leaves overcome bad cholesterol

Not all cholesterol in the body is harmful to health, but there is also a useful type of cholesterol. Moringa leaf is efficacious to control, balance, and overcome bad koleseterol as a factor causing the risk of heart disease, and stroke.

--Moringa leaves improve the body's metabolic system

A good body metabolic system plays an important role to keep the body healthy. So by consuming Moringa leaves useful to stimulate the body's metabolism and cell structure.

--Benefits of Moringa leaves as anti-bacterial and anti-toxic

The benefits of Moringa leaf that is not less important is to function as an antibacterial and anti-toxic, so it can be used as a natural toxic antidote. it is evident that the seeds of moringa are able to absorb dirt on water, so the water returns clear and healthy. so does the function of leaves and seeds of moringa useful to help absorb and remove toxins in the blood.

--Moringa leaves with no side effects

Assuming the leaves of Moringa in large quantities will not adversely affect health, because dor kelor no side effects at all either when consumed by adults or by children.

Below also includes the benefits and efficacy of Moringa leaves other than those mentioned above
Adds body fitness
Improve immunity of people with HIV
Anti Inflammation
High Chlorophyll Sources
As a Heart-Boosting Tonic
Overcoming High Blood Pressure

Efficacy of Moringa leaves
How to Make Kelor Leaves Tea

Provide the leaves of dark-colored kelor as much as possible and then dry, but do not dry under the sun or diopen, because drying the leaves kelor will reduce and even eliminate the kelor leaf content. Leaves of dried kelor tea then pounded until smooth and does not need sifted, keep the tea leaves kelor in a dry and tight.

How to Make a powder (powder) Moringa leaves

How to make a powder or powder kelor leaf is like how to make tea above, but you still need to sift the leaves kelor powder leaves kelor really smooth. You can consume Moringa leaf powder by doing the crotch (capsule) or by brewing as a tea or coffee making. In order for leaf kelor leaf more delicious you can add honey.


Thus the content and benefits of kelor leaf | kelor leaf efficacy that can point to the reader, hopefully this article can be used as an alternative and refrensi for your health. Hopefully useful and good luck.

.source from google.

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