danger of staying up late

in #indonesia7 years ago


In today's modern era, it seems that everyone has a job or other endless tasks. Even some people spend all day just to work, study, or for other things that cause and require them to reduce the hours of night sleep. For the young, the term begadang is a common thing, they spend all night just to hang out or have fun beside-roadside, cafe, discotheque, and other places of entertainment. Then do you fall into that category? if so, then you should be more careful and think twice to live the habit.

Most of us have not or even do not want to care about the danger or side effects that will be generated from the habit of staying up, such as physical health, work efficiency as well as learning, mental stress, and social life with the surrounding environment. It is the result of staying up all night continuously very bad for health. Can cause a variety of deadly disease problems.

Due to Staying Up For Health

Night should be a time for our body to rest after a day of activities, such as work, study, and other activities. Sleeping nights should ideally be done for 8 hours, it aims to work the body's system can run optimally on the next day.

Why? because human growth hormone and adrenal cortical hormone are very important to support the body's metabolic system as well as the development of muscle function produced at night. If someone stays up late at night, this will interfere with our body to produce these two hormones, which will seriously affect our health condition, including:

●.Fatigue and weakening of the immune system

Staying up late can trigger the body and mentally become tired, this is because they are forced to work continuously without any time lag to get enough rest. The impact of fatigue can result in health problems and our body resistance will decrease. And it will make our body more susceptible to diseases and various types of infections caused by viruses, such as flu, fever, lung infections, intestinal infections, hepatitis, and so forth.


Lack of continuous sleep can lead to damage to brain cells that can cause ganyguan on the head, such as dizziness or headache. This is because the brain lacks time to rest

●.Increased weight.

Lack of sleep can lead to disruption of fat metabolism in the body. This will make the hunger tends to increase, which ultimately affects the increase in body weight.

●.Influencing Fertility.

For women, staying up may affect hormone secretion and ovum quality. This tends to affect the menstrual cycle. And for men, staying up may affect the quality and quantity of sperm.


The habit of staying up may affect a person's sleep time. If at any time he should or want to sleep earlier than usual, he will have difficulty doing so. This is because the body has adapted to the habit of staying up all this time.

●.Heart Disease and Stroke.

The dangers of late night sleep can lead to very deadly diseases. Lack of sleep at night can affect heart health. A night's sleep time of less than six hours can lead to inflammation of the arteries that result in the risk of plaque buildup in which the clogging of the human blood vessels becomes elevated. This is because increasing the level of C-creative protein (CPR) in the body.

In addition, sleepless nights also cause symptoms of apnea, where the air entering the lungs during sleep through the nose and mouth are very few in number.


Sleep patterns affect blood sugar levels, hormones that control appetite, even brain perception of high-calorie foods. When sleeping, the body's sugar content decreases, because the sugar in the body is widely used by the liver in the process of detoxification. Lack of sleep can reduce the ability of fat cells to respond to insulin, a hormone that regulates metabolism and a major role in diabetes. According to a study conducted by Orfeu Buxton in Boston's Brigham and Women's Hospital showed that people who sleep less than five hours at night can be at risk for type 2 diabetes.

●.Causes of Cancer.

Lack of sleep can affect the production of the hormone melatonin, a hormone that has the main regulator of all hormones that regulate and maintain the circadian rhythm (biological clock system of the body that plays an important role in regulating the time to sleep and wake). Melatonin levels gradually increase and reach its peak just at midnight and then gradually decrease to 2/3 nights.

This hormone helps the body fight cancer cells like in breast cancer, prostate cancer, Parkinson's disease, and heart arrhythmia. Melatonin plays an optimum role of antioxidant activity in the body so as to prevent DNA damage caused by carcinogenic substances cause cancer and stop the growth mechanism.

●.Causes of Alzheimer's.

Dr Yo-El Ju, a professor of Neurology at Washington University, states that lack of sleep can increase the risk of plaque caused by the buildup of proteins in the brain. It is thought to cause brain cell damage, a form that is present in Alzheimer's, which is usually buried for 10-15 years.

●.Disorders of the skin.

Lack of sleepless nights / stay up may cause pale skin, puffy eyes, dull skin, fine lines on the face and dark circles under the eyes. This certainly can interfere with your appearance, right?

People who are sleep deprived, their bodies will release more stress hormones or cortisol. In excessive amounts, cortisol can break down skin's collagen, or proteins that keep skin smooth and elastic. Lack of sleep can also cause the body to release less growth hormone, a hormone that can help increase muscle mass, thicken the skin, and strengthen bones.


Staying up late can also cause you blood deficiency or anemia, this is because hormones and red blood cell production are disrupted due to an unbalanced body metabolism.

●.Wind Entrance.

Stay up late can also make you hit by the wind, the symptoms of colds due to stay up so typical that will arise cold sweat.

The danger of staying up may increase when you consume heavy food because the danger of having a pre-bedtime dinner can make you short.

Impact on work efficiency and learning

Staying up late can lead to a decrease in memory capacity and concentration, and will cause drowsiness and lack of enthusiasm the next day, so that your work and learning efficiency will be lower. And that of course will be bad for your career as well as your achievements. Here are the details of the Effects and effects of staying up that is very dangerous for work and study activities.

Lowers concentration
Increase the risk of work accident
Lowered alertness
Severe sleepiness during work and study
Decreased thinking power and creativity
Impact on mental stress

Like the previous discussion that sleep deprivation can affect the hormone melatonin. Someone who lacks sleep will have low levels of melatonin, so it can experience a feeling disorder like easily anxious, easily tired, irritable.
Because too often staying up late, resulting in the efeisiensi work and learn you decreased. This of course will have an impact on your mental. You will start to wonder if you can handle all your work and study problems. You may think you are not as smart as others and even afraid of yourself that you can not get a good judgment from your boss or teacher or lecturer, which makes you feel more anxious, anxious and angry (stress).

Lack of sleep can increase mental disorders among young people in this modern era. They used to stay up to surf the internet and chat on social networking sites. Lack of sleep is also associated with long-term mental health problems. Most mental health disorders sometimes recur and it never gradually healed.

Here's the result of staying up for mental:


▪.Cause Stress
▪.Feelings of anxiety
▪.Easy to get angry
▪.Easily tired
▪.Nerve function impairment

So far there has been no information about the effects of staying up late. On the contrary, the condition of sleep deprivation, as one of the bad effects of staying up, can make the physical and mental condition worse. This is related to the benefits of sleep for the human body.

At the time of human sleep, the body improves physical and mental condition. Especially in adolescence, sleep is a time where the body releases growth hormone. This hormone will build muscle mass and repair damaged tissue cells.

In addition to excessive sleepiness and frequent yawning, sleep deprivation due to staying up will affect the emotional state, cognitive abilities, and the brain that can not function properly.

One in three people who are sleep deprived is usually caused by stress and home office work. In fact, the effects of staying up in the body can increase the risk of serious illnesses, such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.

In addition to the things mentioned above, there are still many risks that accompany the bad habits of someone to stay up. Let us examine one by one below...

■.Gain weight.

Research shows that people who sleep less than six hours per day, 30 percent of them tend to be fatter than people who sleep for 7-9 hours per day. Lack of sleep is associated with increased appetite and increased hunger. For those of you who are planning to lose weight, of course staying up late is not a good way to make it happen.

■.Skin looks older.

Contrary to the growth hormone released in small amounts during sleep, the lack of sleep will allow cortisol (a stress hormone) to release more than normal. This hormone is collagen in the skin, but collagen is a protein that works in smoothing the skin and make it elastic.

Lack of sleep due to stay up can also cause puffy eyes and pale skin. The habit of staying up prolonged will cause chronic sleep deprivation. As a result, embossed fine lines on the face and make the skin look dull.

Ever heard the term panda eye? The panda's eye is a dark circle around the eyes that arises from the dilation of blood vessels behind the thin skin of the eye. Sleep deprivation is a major cause of panda eyes.


When sleeping, the brain will experience a process of "sharp wave ripples" that are useful for strengthening memory. This process will also transfer memories and memories to the neocortical part of the brain that serves as a long-term storage space for memory. Hanging out will hamper all of this process and increase your drowsiness, so in the end you become forgetful. In order not easy to forget and simultaneously improve the ability to remember, stop the habit of staying up. Especially for those who are preoccupied with school and work activities, it is advisable to meet the needs of 7-9 hours of sleep a night.

■.Decreases the ability to think.

Lack of sleep can reduce reasoning, problem solving skills, and concentration. The ability to pay attention to something and the level of awareness will also decrease. This will result in a tendency to be difficult to remember something that has been done or learned before, and difficult to learn efficiently.

■.Lowering libido.

Decreased libido is one of the effects of staying up. When lack of sleep, the body becomes tired, drowsy, energy becomes exhausted, increases tension, and ultimately becomes less interested in sex. A study also showed that men who suffer from sleep apnea have low testosterone levels.


Begadang berarti memotong jam tidur Anda di malam hari. Kebanyakan orang yang didiagnosis mengalami depresi dan kecemasan adalah mereka yang tidur kurang dari enam jam di malam hari. Tidak hanya kekurangan tidur, gangguan tidur pun dapat mengarah ke insomnia yang sangat berkaitan dengan kondisi depresi.

■.The cause of the accident.

The effect of staying up this one is not kidding. Drowsiness due to stay up may decrease the ability to react, similar to the behavior of drunk people due to alcoholic beverages. That's why people who are sleepy are more likely to have an accident, either on the highway during driving or workplace accidents.

■.Increase the risk of death.

A study suggests that sleeping only five hours compared to normal time, seven to nine hours, could lead to a doubling of the risk of death. This increased risk applies to all causes of death, especially deaths caused by cardiovascular disease.
After learning that the effects of staying up there is not good for the body, now is the time you think again before deciding to stay up. Instead of later your health is at stake, better avoided completely.

▪Easy Night Sleep tip and benefits▪

Of course, to be able to rest the physical and mind so that later the body can return to fit, the best way (even mandatory) is sleep.

Sleeping is very important after working for a full day. As for sleeping night it takes about 6 to 8 hours on a daily basis.

Meanwhile, sleeping schedules that are too fluid even in a very long period of time (often changed) result in poor sleep quality.

Of course we all want to be able to sleep in a timely manner, thus making the rhythm of sleep to be good and quality.

The cause of difficulty sleeping on time in the day because of the habit of staying up too much, thinking a lot before bed, brought a certain atmosphere, the condition of the soul is unstable etc.

Benefits of a proper night's sleep

Many of the benefits of sleeping on time, namely to make sleep into quality, which makes the body to be healthy, in the morning the body is really fresh and fit, which is useful in order to concentrate well in daily activities.

Prevent stress and depression

Lack of sleep causes the production of serotonin to decline, which leads to stress. The stress hormone cortisol will increase, causing the mind to become tense, bad mood, and emotional state to become unstable.

As for what makes the quality of sleep to be very bad, that is because too often stay up, watching television until late at night.

Increase endurance

Melatonin hormone is a natural antioxidant that is useful to fight free radicals and disease attacks in general. doing detoxification, so that the body's immune system increases.

Other timely benefits of sleep (adequate sleep) to prevent hypertension and heart attacks. The results of a study, showing that sleep deprivation for 2 hours from bedtime should, increase the risk of hypertension by up to 39%.

Other benefits are to remove toxins in the body, increase the ability of the brain (thinking power), prevent headaches and nourish the digestive system.

Melatonin hormone production can be optimally performed by the body during dark conditions, starting at around 9 pm.

The hormone melatonin lies within the brain, serves to regulate biological rhythms and the immune system. This is the main reason sleep at night is very important for health.

Easy tips to sleep on time in the evening


▪▪Know the sleep time, this becomes the first thing to know. Bedtime time each person has indeed different, but generally adults need about 7 hours to sleep every night.

▪▪Make square, meaning make sure you already know and realize what time it will sleep at night, do not get because we are not planned to be busy activity at 10 pm (even more), which at that time is the night hours of sleep.

For that, it is important to plan a good night's sleep.

▪▪Night sleeping habits above 21:00 hours of night, making the quality of night sleep to decline, which also causes the hours of night sleep to be chaotic. As a result, sleeping at night according to a set schedule will be difficult to implement.

▪▪Set your body to follow the bedtime, for example you decide to sleep at 21:00, then get up at 4.30 am (this is a good sleep schedule).

So the next day obey this schedule (for every day). If it turns out that one time you just sleep at 22:00 (even more), then try to stay up at 4:30 as best.

This is useful so that the body will still be able to adjust to the rhythm or schedule that has been set.

▪▪Avoid excessive stress, this is not good because of this psychiatric illness will make a person difficulty sleeping at night.

So avoid avoid a lot of thoughts when sleeping, because if your mind continues to use then you will not be able to sleep, for that comfortable sleep depends on the activity as well as in the morning or afternoon.

▪▪Avoid also heavy meal (main meal) before going to bed, because when the glut then it will make you become difficult to sleep. Do a heavy meal 2 hours (or more) before bedtime.

▪▪In order to sleep the night can also run planned or timely, then keep the gadget from your hands in the hours of sleep at night.

▪▪The last to note, of course it takes commitment or seriousness to keep things good, and avoid from all the bad things that can interfere with sleep.

▪▪Make a sleeping ritual that makes you comfortable while going to sleep. For example, a few hours sebleum sleep drank warm herbal tea, reading light books, writing journals and others, which is the activity to make the brain relax.

▪▪When you have a sleep schedule, do not wait until it feels sleepy, because it makes you procrastinate to sleep.

▪▪Avoid consuming caffeine before bed, like the main coffee, which has a high caffeine content. Negative effects of caffeine are dependence and make you more difficult to sleep when consumed at night (sebleum to sleep)

▪▪Brush your teeth before bed, this will help you sleep more comfortable and sound. Please note, that delaying sleep will make you will be lazy to brush your teeth and change clothes. So do not delay sleep, and be diligent to brush your teeth at night.

▪▪Avoid accessing the internet (at least) one hour before bedtime. Likewise do not turn on the television when the times want to sleep, because the computer screen and the bright TV resulted in providing stimulation of the brain for more difficult to sleep.

▪▪Do sports activities regularly. You can do light exercise such as jongging and cycling, about 15 minutes on a daily basis (prioritize exercise in the morning).

▪▪Make the condition of the bed to be as comfortable as possible, clean the dust that is on the mattress if it is still there.

▪▪Turn off the lights while sleeping, in addition to making the body more healthy, also makes you easier to sleep right time.

▪▪Force yourself to sleep on time even in very difficult circumstances, because by getting used to sleep at that time, you will be able to easily sleep on time each day.

●.Sleep time appropriate for age.●

So far, we only know that ideally sleep is for 7-8 hours. But this is still too general.
In fact, the length of time to sleep also needs to be adjusted to the age and condition of a person, whose benefits to improve the quality of sleep.
Health experts provide sleep guidelines for all age groups.

▪They recommend that infants (0-3 months) should sleep 14-17 hours in a day.

▪Infants aged 4-11 months should sleep 12-15 hours a day.

▪Toddlers (1-2 years) should sleep at 11-14 hours a day.

Children who start school or pre-school (3-5 years) must sleep for 10-13 hours a day.

▪School age children (6-13 years old) should sleep for 8-11 hours in each day.

▪After getting out of those ages, stepping on the age of adolescence (14-17 years), ideally requires sleep time of 8-9 hours in a day.

▪When the young adult age (18-25 years), bedtime between 7-8 hours in a day.

▪Similar to young adults, adults also have the same time, which has the ideal time to sleep for 7-8 hours a day.

▪For the age of a person who turns 65 years of age and above, then they only need to sleep for 6-8 hours a day.


.🤗🤗thank you very much already reading. healty is valuable.😊😊.

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