
in #indonesia6 years ago (edited)

In order for life to remain within the frame of faith and remain istiqomah on obedience. Set awareness to do some things, which summarized in the formula 5 M. namely: Muhasabah, Muroqobah, Mu'ahadah, Muaqobah and Mujahadah.

A. Muhasabah (self-introspection)

Humans are creatures that desperately need self-evaluation and reassessment. His life, both individual and social, is worth noting. It is none other because the spiritual and intellectual sides are always changing. Quickly colored with the circumstances that accompany it. Today is good, tomorrow can be very good. Or today is very good, tomorrow may be very bad.

This is where we need to introspection ourselves (muhasabah), for the good can still be maintained. Because we never know when we will be turned off. Our life and death God is the one who rules, all we know is that every one of us must die.

A Muslim should be very aware, that whatever he does later will be accountable before God. And realize also that each breath is a pearl of great value. So he did not waste even for a moment.


Know your friends, this self-defeating interest is done to know two things, namely;

· First: to know all the shame of self, whether its good is more than our ugliness, or vice versa.

· Second: to know God's right to us. Are our obligations as God's servants perfected or neglected. Of these two consciousness will be born a personality istiqomah and mental attitude that is not easily weakened.

Related to muhasabah, Hasan al-Basyri once said: "A believer is a leader for himself. He relieves himself for God. For reckoning on the Day of Resurrection will be light for those who have recovered themselves in the world.

The same thing has also been expressed by Umar bin Khaththab; "Hisablah you before dihisab, weigh yourself before weighing. Actually introspect for you today is lighter than the later reckoning "(It is narrated from Iman Ahmad and At-Tarmidhi by mauquq from Umar binKhaththab)

B. Muroqobah (Always Feel God-Watched)

The one who realizes that God is always watching his life, he will be fortified from sin and wrong. The sense of khauf (fear) always blanket him if he made a mistake. Khauf (fear) will burn the lust that is forbidden by Allah, so that disobedience that used to be hated.


The former pride is transformed into ketawadhuan, He is always alert to the steps, thoughts and sentences that come out of him. He is well aware of the word of God below:

"We have created man and know what his heart is whispering, and We are closer to him with his neck, that is, when two angels record the deeds of their deeds, one sitting on the right and the other sitting on the left. There is not one utterance which is spoken but there is a nearby watchful angel who is always present. "(Qs Qaf [50]: 16-18)

Companions, Servants who always bermuroqobah are people who have high ruhiyah intelligence. Awareness is built on intelligent thinking, because he is very aware that life will have meaning if the foothold is a trust that must be utilized as much as possible for him and then he is accountable in the future before God.

"O ye who believe, do not betray the trusts entrusted to him, while ye know ...
(Surat al-Anfal [8]: 27)

Know your friends, Islam sees the mandate as a very precious, no matter how trustful we receive, we must guard properly and we convey kealamatnya consistently. Because by looking at a small mandate, we will get used to seeing the message as meaningless. So a great mandate will be regarded as a trivial mandate.

C. Mu'ahadah (always remember the covenant with Allah SWT)

Our awareness that life is not just there but because someone is doing it, is the attitude and nature of a true Muslim. God enlivens us with the facilities He provides is not without purpose. And our purpose is created to worship only to Him.


And it is only God that we should speak, for this is the essence of life; that is to be God's deity and not to associate Him with anything. This is the covenant we must always keep in mind, as it is expressed by God:

"And remember when your Rabb took the offspring of the sons of Adam from their sobbi, and God took a witness against them (saying):" Am I not your Lord? "They replied. "Yes (we are our God) we are witnesses. (We do so in order for the Day of Resurrection


Omaaa....ka mulai bereh lom...hehe

Bereih bereih... semoga bermanfaat ya kanda @nyakti

Terimakasih sahabat steemians @tamy.siagam. mari terus berkarya dan saling berbagi.