travel function for travelers and used visa to another countries and an experience for those of us who still remembered going to Europe or Asia
Types of Visas and Their Use
- Know the types of Visas And Usefulness It is very important to know the various types of visas that exist. This is to facilitate in the case of submission of the visa application later. Because if wrong in the filing despite the various conditions are met, undoubtedly the visa will be rejected. You will be disappointed. Therefore avoid mistakes in terms of making visas by studying the information below.
If you have been accustomed to travel abroad certainly very familiar with this one word. A visa is a licensing document for someone who wishes to travel between countries. Without a visa you can not enter and settle in a country. Visa there are several types, this time we will discuss about the types of visas and their usefulness.
The types of visas and their uses are divided into several types, including:
Temporary visit visa for family visits / Relatives permits
This type of visa is used for those of you who have families who are abroad. Usually if you are going to visit them, it is required to take care of this visa first. Maximum time can be submitted usually 90 days / 3 months. Terms of manufacture compared to other visas is an invitation from your family in the destination country. And the statement that your family will be in charge during your stay in that country.
Temporary Visa for Visa / Tourist Visa
Maybe this is one of the most famous and most widely requested visas. If people vacation abroad can be sure use this visa. This type of Visa will be used when you are planning a vacation abroad. Armed with this tourist visit visa then you will be allowed into the destination country. Anyone can submit the origin of the visa application requirements
Temporary Visa for Business / Business Visa
For those of you business actors, there is often a need that requires to travel business to another country. With this type of visa then you will get the convenience when going on a business trip to the destination country. For example the need for business seminars, visiting.*item