Don't Waste Your Time With U.S. News Propaganda - To My Friends In Indonesia & Around The World

in #indonesia7 years ago (edited)

Being back home in the United States for a short period of time, after living the last four months in Denpasar, Bali Indonesia, is a very potent reminder of the just how far reaching the corrupt tentacles of the globalist, criminal cabal really are. Less than a week after having even stepped off the last of four planes and two days worth of flying and waiting at airports that it took to get here, I see that we are again bombarded by mainstream news media narratives that are completely intentional, predetermined and manufactured, to play into the hands of the corrupt, parasitic elements that are ensconced deep within our government and corporate elite. In less than a month, I will be back to live in Indonesia for the first half of 2018, and that couldn't possibly come any sooner.

First, I was saddened to hear from my girlfriend back in Denpasar that Indonesians have protested the decision made by United States President Donald Trump to recognize Jerusalem and Israel's capital. Let me make it very clear that I DO NOT at all condone Israel's genocidal greed to grab up all of the remaining land that is, in a legal sense, not theirs to be taken. If the rabbit hole of what is really going on here, ended at such a shallow depth such as this, then I would happily join with those particular Indonesians and anyone else around the world who has a problem with this, in their protests. Let me instead take you further down the rabbit hole, or attempt to paint the bigger picture of what I personally believe is going on here.

To begin with, I need to briefly explain that Donald Trump was not supposed to win the United States presidency. His opponent during that historic election was Hillary Clinton, who has been proven by leaked emails and subsequent admissions by whistle blowers, that she and her criminal, treasonous cronies had their hands dirty in rigging the election. She absolutely rigged the Democrat's primary election to become the Democratic party's candidate, when all the while, Bernie Sanders was criminally complicate, and she had everything in play to to rig the general election against Donald Trump as well, but thanks to the overwhelming number of pissed off Americans that have had enough with corruption in our otherwise great country, Hillary's attempt at stealing the United States presidency failed, and Donald Trump's brave talking points, flying in the face of political correctness, pushed him to a victory. A victory that would have been much bigger, had Hillary not rigged a few of the states that she actually won.

Now that we've got that history lesson out of the way, I can tell you that the mess that Donald Trump found himself in the middle of when he assumed the office, was so much in tatters, that there is no way that he could simply push a magic, presidential button and fix it all overnight. This is why I am quite certain that Trump is playing a very intense game of chess against the corrupt, criminal elements buried deep within the United States Government. To approach the eventual take down of what he refers to as "the swamp," will demand no less than strategy that requires thinking that is ten steps ahead of this internal enemy. Little by little, over the course of the last year here in America, Trump has been slowly putting pieces on the game board in place, to eventually be strategically positioned for the big, upcoming take-down of the criminal, globalist parasites that have a stranglehold on The United States, mostly under the guise of COG (Continuity Of Government) reasoning. If you don't take my word for it, then just simply ask yourself this. Why is it that over 95% of all mainstream news media, both in the United States and globally, especially among our allies, completely negative toward President Trump? Let me answer this quite simply, for you. Because Trump is the biggest threat to their criminal control grid that there has EVER been, in my lifetime, and likely in all of history.

Now let's get to this decision by Trump to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capitol. It is my belief, that Trump fully understands that a move such as this one, will create massive destabilization of the elite, criminal cabal that are the very people trying to oust Trump from his office. The anger and protests from around the world will be more heavily concentrated to countries who, either willingly or not, depend on the United States dollar, more specifically the "petro-dollar," to be able to purchase oil. The end result in much of this outcry can, and likely will be, that more countries move off of the United States petro-dollar and instead trade oil in other forms of currency. Petro-yuan anyone? Yes, that's right, if the petro-dollar crashes, or no longer maintains a stranglehold on the entire planet, then the parasitic, criminal cabal that runs the United States Government from behind the shadows, mainly referring to the Federal Reserve Bank, which is not federal and contains no reserves, will lose it's power to secretly reign over and enslave, all good, hard working Americans. Trump knows this, and he knows it very well. This is why many of the moves and decisions that our president makes, may not make a whole lot of good sense at first, and may also anger many people who are not seeing the bigger picture at play, but in the grand scheme of things, President Trump is boldly and more bravely than any power figure in the world, putting the pieces in play for The United States to take it's own country back, and subsequently for our allies around the world to equally benefit from the ridding of the parasites, even if these allies don't see the bigger picture at play yet. Remember, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."

So, to my protesting friends in Indonesia, a country by the way, of whom I have immense love and respect for it's people, I say this. President Trump of The United States of America, and the majority of the great, hard working, freedom loving people of the United States, are doing their part to rid the world of the deep rooted corruption, that has infiltrated us, and our allies alike. The elite, parasitic, criminal, globalist cabal, are the very people in control from the shadows, who intentionally manipulate media narratives to keep us divided by our religions and our nationality, because with our divide, comes their ability to conquer. Sometimes President Trump's methods do not appear to be positive or among the right choices to be made, on the surface, or at face value, but we American's along with our brave new president all know, that this is the only hope left that we have at getting our country back, and thus not only preserving our own freedom as a people, but paving the way for our foreign allies, to do what they always feel is best for their own countries as well, with the globalist, criminal cabal left paralyzed. If it were up to me personally, as an American, I would never again send one single penny in aid to the ever so corrupt State of Israel, so I do not agree with Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as it's capitol, but more importantly, I also see the bigger picture at play from President Trump's knowingly unpopular move on the chess board here, and I realize that what the President is doing is baiting the corrupt, elite cabal, and someday down the road, when that cabal takes the bait that President Trump has put forth, he will then reel in those criminal bastards one by one, and throw them either out of America, or into the prison cells that they rightfully belong in.

To all of America's allies, and for me personally, to Indonesia specifically. Please know that the good, hard working, family loving American people DO stand with you, just as they stand with our new, brave president, and I ask for your patience before judging President Trump negatively, because I genuinely believe that he is one of the world's last true hopes to root out corrupt parasites, from not only The United States of America, but from the entire world.

Disclaimer: This opinion piece was written and intended to be just that, an opinion, and should not be taken as official, sourced news. I would highly encourage that each and every world citizen do their own research into geopolitics and formulate their own opinions through critical thinking.

Thank you for reading, and if you appreciate my writing here, please consider giving this post an up-vote. Thank you.

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