Gunung Salak Tour at Border of North Aceh and Bener Meriah District /Wisata Gunung Salak di Perbatasan Kabupaten Aceh Utara dan Kabupaten Bener Meriah

Steemian friends wherever you are, in Aceh, in Indonesia and in the world. This time I will tell my friends about the continuing journey around North Coast and Central Aceh. This time we are heading to Gunung Salak tourism object in the border of North Aceh and Bener Meriah District .

Gunung Salak area is a trajectory from Lhokseumawe City to the West, through Simpang KKA (Kertas Kraft Aceh), entering the district of North Aceh to Bener Meriah District. Mount Salak is a new tourist attraction that is still very natural. This area is visited by many local tourists, especially the youth and teenagers to enjoy the natural scenery of the mountain is still very beautiful.

The road to Gunung Salak is very good and is a new road built by the government of Nort Aceh and Bener Meriah District. In some places there are already people who open a shop or kaffee. In addition there is also provided a place to enjoy the mountain scenery as well as taking pictures, taking pictures with family and others. This Gunung is very suitable developed as a tourist destination. Beautiful mountain scenery makes our minds clear and fresh.
If you go to Bener Meriah District to be careful to visit this area of Gunung Salak, because some of the road points there are conditions prone to landslides. This can jeopardize drivers who can cause accidents. At certain hours of road in the area of Gunung Salak is foggy with a visibility of 2 to 3 meters. Usually between 5 pm and 8 pm. Even during the day in good weather. It is also very lively the drivers who cross the region.

If you go to Bener Meriah District to be careful to visit this area of Gunung Salak, because some of the road points there are conditions prone to landslides. This can jeopardize drivers who can cause accidents. At certain hours of road in the area of Gunung Salak is foggy with a visibility of 2 to 3 meters. Usually between 5 pm and 8 pm. Even during the day in good weather. It is also very lively the drivers who cross the region.
Similarly information Gunung Salak tourist attraction that I can convey to friends steemian anywhere. Just a glimpse of information, who knows you have never been a way to Takengon through the area of Gunung Salak. Thank you for reading my experience.

Teman-teman Steemian dimanapun anda berada, di Aceh, di Indonesia dan di dunia. Kali ini saya akan mengisahkan kepada teman-teman tentang lanjutan perjalanan keliling pantai Utara dan Aceh Tengah. Kali ini kita menuju Objek wisata Gunung Salak yang ada di perbatasan Kabupaten Aceh Utara dan Kabupaten Bener Meriah .

Selamat liburan pak @asnawiabbas, tulisan yang seperti ini sangat bagus kerena memperkenalkan objek wisata lokal pada dunia.
Kami menunggu tulisan anda yang lainnya.
saatnya kita promosi potensi local ke manca Negara, terima kasih
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keren banget infonya pak @asnawiabbas, boleh banget nih, jadi referensi liburan
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