Let's Know Indonesia is Closer

Indonesia is famous for its beautiful nature and very charming, and Indonesia is also famous for its diverse cultures and culinary diversity.

Indonesia has a variety of tribes, nations and religions, and Indonesia also mepunyai uniqueness, which has a variety of traditional dances from various regions in Indonesia. One is the dance of SAMAN from ACEH:

Saman Dance is a typical Gayo tribe dance performed to celebrate important events in adat. Poetry in saman dance using Gayo Language. In addition, this dance is usually performed to celebrate the birth of Prophet Muhammad SAW. In some literature the saman dance in Aceh was established and developed by Syekh Saman, a scholar from Gayo in Southeast Aceh. Saman Dance was set by UNESCO as the List of Intellectual Cultural Heritage Representative in the Sixth Session of the Inter-Government Committee for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of UNESCO's Unconscious objects in Bali, November 24, 2011.

Indonesia is also famous for its culinary is very tasty and very well enjoyed, one of which is Sate.

Sate is a typical Indonesian food popular in the world which is generally made from basic ingredients of chicken or beef meat that is cut into pieces and then stabbed with stick. After the meat cuts are neatly stitched in each stitch, each of the next punctures is baked until cooked. Just like sambal, sate is a typical Indonesian food that consists of various variants, can be from selected meat, ingredients used for seasoning, until the puncture is used.

Meat commonly selected to be made satay, among others, chicken meat, goats, cattle, sheep, rabbits, pigs, horses, and others. In Indonesia itself there is sate origin of the area that has spread to many cities, such as sate padang which is a food from West Sumatra. In addition to sate padang, there are still delicious and other unique satay, such as satay languan, satay lilit, satay pentul, sate plecing, satay lokan, satay maranggi, satay buntel [origin Jogja], satay sticks [Lombok, and sate-sate others.

Indonesia is also famous for its tourist attractions, one of which is the island of Komodo.

Komodo Island is in the Nusa Tenggara Islands. The island is included in the area of Komodo National Park along Rinca Island, Padar Island, Motang Island and many other small islands. Administratively, the island is located in District Komodo, West Manggarai regency, and directly adjacent to the Province of West Nusa Tenggara.

This island is the original habitat of komodo animals, a type of giant meat-eating lizard. On the island of Komodo there are more than 2,000 tailed dragons living in the wild. You can see the dragons who are prey on their prey in many locations in this place. It's important to walk around with a guide for safety reasons while you're here.

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