Election and Cryptocurrency in Indonesia (Bilingual)

in #indonesia6 years ago

Voting and counting of presidential and legislative elections in Indonesia have been carried out. Regardless of the outcome and whoever is elected, there is something interesting in this presidential and vice-presidential campaign, namely the emergence of a statement about cryptocurrency from one of the presidential candidates in the last debate.

In the debate, a presidential candidate mentioned about cryptocurrency in Indonesia in the future. Although there was no continuation of the discussion in the debate, the mention of cryptocurrency indicated that the Government of Indonesia was increasingly familiar and welcome to the presence of cryptocurrency, moreover the statement came from potential incumbents.

Indonesia is indeed increasingly welcome to cryptocurrency with the presence of the rules of the Commodity Futures Trading Regulatory Agency (Bappebti) regarding transparent currency transactions (cryptocurrency).

Regulation of the Commodity Futures Trading Regulatory Agency Number 3 of 2019 concerning Commodities that Can Be Subjected to Futures Contracts, Sharia Derivative Contracts and / or Other Derivative Contracts Traded on the Futures Exchange.

The rules provide certainty for the digital financial transaction market in Indonesia. This condition provides fresh air for the future of cryptocurrency trading in Indonesia.

Unfortunately, the rule was issued not at the right time. Perhaps if it was published in 2017 when the price of bitcoin reached its peak, then it is not impossible for the cryptocurrency trade to be wider than it is now.

However, the presence of these rules should be appreciated. At least illustrate how the presence of cryptocurrency is also now being recognized by the government.


 Image source: 1, 2, 3, 4


Pemilu dan Cryptocurrency di Indonesia

Pemungutan dan penghitungan suara pemilu presiden dan legislatif di Indonesia sudah dilakukan. Terlepas dari apapun hasilnya dan siapa pun yang terpilih, ada yang menarik dalam kampanye presiden dan wakil presiden kali ini, yakni munculnya pernyataan tentang cryptocurrency dari salah seorang calon presiden dalam debat terakhir.

Dalam perdebatan itu, seorang calon presiden menyebutkan tentang cryptocurrency di Indonesia pada masa mendatang. Meski tidak ada kelanjutan pembahasan dalam perdebatan tersebut, penyebutan cryptocurrency mengindikasikan Pemerintah Indonesia semakin familiar dan welcome terhadap kehadiran cryptocurrency, apalagi pernyataan itu datang dari calon petahana.

Indonesia memang semakin welcome terhadap cryptocurrency dengan kehadiran kehadiran aturan Badan Pengawas Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi (Bappebti) tentang transaksi mata uang vurtual (cryptocurrency).

Peraturan Badan Pengawas Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi Nomor 3 Tahun 2019 tentang Komoditi yang Dapat Dijadikan Subyek Kontrak Berjangka, Kontrak Derivatif Syariah, dan/atau Kontrak Derivatif Lain yang Diperdagangkan di Bursa Berjangka.

Adanya aturan memberikan kepastian kepada pasar transaksi keuangan digital di Indonesia. Kondisi ini memberikan angin segar bagi masa depan perdagangan cryptocurrency di Indonesia. 

Sayangnya, aturan itu terbit bukan di saat yang tepat. Barangkali kalau terbit pada 2017 lalu ketika harga bitcoin mencapai puncaknya, maka bukan tdak mungkin perdagangan cryptocurrency bisa lebih luas dibandingkan sekarang.

Namun, kehadiran aturan itu patut diapresiasi. Setidaknya memberikan gambaran betapa kehadiran cryptocurrency juga kini mulai diakui pemerintah.



Ini kode keras buat kita para Steemian, bahwa mata uang digital ini pelan-pelan mulai dapat tempat di Indonesia. Dari informasi yang bang @aiqabrago sampaikan tadi, ini sudaj menunjukkan bahwa Cryptocurrency bakal melejit di Indonesia. Ini keren, luar biasa informasinya bang.

Salam ksi bang @aiqabrago 😊

Semoga sandi unoe melanjutkannya

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