CALL CENTER (Bilingual)

in #indonesia5 years ago

A prospective new student at a state university in Aceh, Indonesia,  complained about various problems that they did not understand did not get the appropriate response from the responsible party. Many of the questions they asked, did not get service so they were confused.

On the website many call center numbers have been included. But when contacted during working hours, no one responded. A number of the call center numbers are just to show off, only the display looks complete and cool.

The mention of call center numbers is already prevalent in modern companies and organizations. However, the call center number is not just a lifeless symbol. Behind the call center number is the spirit of responsive service. Although mentioned during hours, when there are customer complaints outside working hours, they should also get a proper response. This form of service exceeds customer expectations.

People who are involved behind a call center number must realize that behind their responsibility is to take on the good name of the organization. Colleges that ignore call center calls, must be prepared to bear the risk for the long term. Although service in other fields is good, although the quality of education there is good, when call centers are ignored, prospective students who consider all lines at the university do not have good service.

That’s happened in the other organizations also. Customers tend to generalize situations. Even when a security officer in the organization is arrogant, customers tend to think that everyone in them is arrogant. It's dangerous if a situation like this happens in a public company that has its own way of punishing companies. 


Image source: 1, 2, 3




Seorang calon mahasiswa baru di sebuah perguruan tinggi negeri di Aceh, mengeluhkan berbagai masalah yang belum mereka pahami tidak mendapatkan respon semestinya dari pihak yang bertanggung jawab. Banyak pertanyaan yang mereka lontarkan, tidak mendapatkan pelayanan sehingga mereka bingung.

Di website sudah dicantumkan banyak nomor call center. Namun ketika dihubungi dalam masa jam kerja, tidak ada yang merespon. Sederet nomor call center tersebut tak ubahnya hanya untuk pamer saja, hanya pajangan biar terlihat lengkap dan keren.

Penyebutan nomor call center memang sudah lazim di perusahaan dan organisasi modern. Namun, nomor call center itu bukan sekadar simbol tak bernyawa. Di balik nomor call center itu tersimpan semangat pelayanan yang responsif. Meski disebutkan selama jam, ketika ada keluhan pelanggan di luar jam kerja, seharusnya juga mendapatkan respon yang layak. Ini bentuk pelayanan yang melampaui harapan pelanggan.

Orang-orang yang terlibat di belakang nomor call center harus menyadari bahwa di balik tanggung jawab mereka memikul nama baik organisasi. Perguruan tinggi yang mengabaikan panggilan call center, harus bersiap-siap menanggung risikonya untuk jangka panjang. Meski pelayanan di bidang lain bagus, meski kualitas pendidikan di sana bagus, ketika call center diabaikan, calon mahasiswa yang menganggap semua lini di universitas tersebut tidak memiliki pelayanan yang bagus.

Begitu juga yang terjadi di organisasi lain. Para pelanggan cenderung menggeneralisir situasi. Bahkan ketika seorang petugas keamanan di organisasi tersebut arogan, pelanggan cenderung menganggap semua orang yang ada di dalamnya arogan. Bahaya kalau situasi seperti ini terjadi di perusahaan publik yang memiliki cara tersendiri menghukum perusahaan.



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