They Study in a Classroom that is Threatened to Collapse
Ratusan murid Sekolah Dasar Negeri Nomor 2, Baktiya Aceh Utara belajar di ruang kelas yang terancam runtuh. Dinding ruang retak, sementara kosen pintu dan plafon telah lapuk.
Sejumlah murid terpaksa belajar di gedung lama, karena masih kekurangan ruang belajar. Menurut sejumlah orang tua murid, kondisi tersebut memperihatinkan. Sehingga warga mengharapkan, pemerintah daerah segera merehab atau membangun gedung baru di sekolah tersebut. “Kalau terus dibiarkan tidak diperbaiki, ruang belajar bisa runtuh,” kata Mawadi,34, warga Baktiya.
Menurut wali murid, jumlah anak yang belajar di sana lebih dari 200 orang. Menurut mereka, sarana pendidikan telah lama rusak. “Kalau terus dibiarkan, bisa membahayakan anak-anak,” tambahnya
quoteHumndreds of students of No. 2 State Elementary School, Baktiya Aceh Utara study in a classroom that is threatened to collapse. The walls of the room are cracked, while the door and ceiling panels have weathered.
A number of students are forced to study in the old building, because they still lack of study space. According to a number of parents, the condition is noticeable. So citizens expect, local government immediately merehab or build a new building in the school. "If it continues to be left unfixed, the study room could collapse," said Mawadi, 34, Baktiya citizen.
According to the parents, the number of children studying there is more than 200 people. According to them, education facilities have long been damaged. "If it continues no be left, it could endanger the children," he added.