Introduceyourself Salam Hangat Bersama Secangkir Kopi Sanger Gayo Arabika

in #indonesia7 years ago

Apa kabar steemians,

Pada hari ini saya sungguh merasakan adanya perubahan pola pikir terhadap Media Sosial yang biasanya digunakan hanya sebagai tempat hiburan semata dan berbagi, untuk melepas penat dan mengisi waktu luang sehari hari saja. Setelah mengenal Steem-Steemit ini, saya terpikirkan untuk membuat perubahan baru menyangkut adanya peluang untuk menyalurkan salah satu hobi menulis saya meskipun hanya sebagai pemula namun dengan keyakinan belajar, belajar dan belajar pasti akan lebih baik. Hal lain mengenai steem-steemit yang dapat saya rasakan mampu memberikan pembelajaran, Penilaian dan juga penghasilan secara langsung.

Oleh sebab itu saya sangat merasa bahagia untuk dapat bergabung disini bersama orang orang hebat seperti kalian Steemians saya ucapkan terima kasih, juga kepada Steem-Steemit yang telah memperivikasi akun saya @abdika0990 dengan tidak terlalu lama menunggu Password. Kemudian kepada
@najmifajar atas informasi, presentasi, dan bimbinganya sejauh ini tentang Steem-Steemit.

Nama saya Dika Khairuna dan akun saya @abdika0990, saat ini saya berkerja di sebuah perusahaan swasta yang bergerak di bidang keuangan simpan-pinjam tepatnya di salah satu Kantor Cabang Bener Meriah yang masih diusia dini memulai/merintis dan bersyukur telah berjalan baik sampai saat ini berkat kerja sama yang solid dalam team.

Saya berasal dari Dataran tinggi tanah gayo tepatnya di Kabupaten Bener Meriah, Aceh, Indonesia. Yang terkenal dengan salah satu penghasil Kopi dan Kualitas Rasa juga didukung dengan kondisi Alamnya yang Indah, Alami dan Sejuk.

Secangkir kopi gayo torabika menjadi penutup tulisan saya kali ini.

Demikian tulisan perkenalan saya @abdika0990, harapan saya semoga mendapatkan motivasi dan saran dari para steemians, agar dapat lebih memahami steem-steemit sepenuhnya.

Terima kasih


How are the steemians,

On this day I really feel a change of mindset against Social Media which is usually used only as a place of entertainment and share, to release the fatigue and mengesi spare time daily. After getting to know this Steem-Steemit, I thought about making a new change regarding the opportunity to channel one of my writing hobby even though only as a beginner but with the beliefs of learning, learning and learning would be better. Another thing about Steem-Steemit that I can feel able to provide learning, assessment and also income directly.

Therefore I am very happy to be able to join here with great people like you Steemians I thank you, also to Steem-Steemit who has made my account @ abdika0990 not too long waiting for Password. Then to @najmifajar the information, presentations, and guidance so far about Steem-Steemit.

My name is Dika Khairuna and my account @ abdika0990, I am currently working in a private company engaged in financial saving-borrow precisely in one Bener Meriah Branch Office which is still in early age start / pioneering and grateful has been running well until now thanks to solid teamwork.

I come from Gayo land plateau precisely in Bener Meriah regency, Aceh, Indonesia. Which is famous for one of the producers of Coffee and Quality Rasa is also supported by the condition of Beautiful Nature, Natural and Cool.

A cup of gayo torabika coffee to cover my writing this time.

So my introductory writing @ abdika0990, hopefully I get motivation and suggestion from the steemians, in order to better understand steem-steemit completely.

Thank you.

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Welcome @abdika0990

Welcome to Steemit @abdika0990!

I wish you much success and hope you find Steemit to be as rewarding and informative as I have.

Here are some links you might find useful.
Your stats on SteemNow
Your stats on SteemWorld
Your stats on SteemD
How to use Minnow Booster
How does Steemit actually work?

Introbot is hosted and managed with donations from @byColeman to help make your journey on Steemit truly rewarding. Your feedback is always welcome so that we may improve this welcome message.
Oh yea, I have upvoted you and followed you. Many blessings from @introbot & @bycoleman

Thank you, warm regards and succes for you


Hello! It's nice to see you here!

I am also very happy to be here, thank you.

welcome to steemit @abdika0990, good luck

Thanks very much @rahmadi, Success also for you

Congratulations @abdika0990, you have decided to take the next big step with your first post! The Steem Network Team wishes you a great time among this awesome community.

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Selamat Bergabung Bg @abdika0909
Ditunggu tulisan-tulisan Kreatif dan menarik selanjutnya
Salam sukses

Terima kasih juga @iqraramadhani, saran dan dukungannya sangat diharapkan

Welcome to the great Community #steemit
I hope we get good content from you. let enjoy the community #steemblockchain

Thanks you very much and succes for you

Wellcome, nice to meet you, follback and upvote my post,,,please

Senang juga berkenalan dengan anda @irmasuriani, mari kita bangkit dan maju bersama disini Steem-Steemit.

welcome to steemit , you'll enjoy it here, just keep writing and inspire , steem on! 😊

thank you very much for your motivation and success also for you

Hai, halo @abdika0990.. Selamat datang di Steemit! Senang melihat anda kumpul di sini.. sudah upvote yaa.. 8-)

Halo juga @puncakbukit.. Terima kasih atas sambutannya dan senang berkenalan dengan anda.

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