It Works
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I have heard umpteen times that smile and happiness are infectious and encouraging.
Today morning I was hurriedly going to drop my daughter to bus stop. We were getting late ( that is a usual thing though), but the main gate was closed. Seeing us rushing, the watchman came forward and very politely opened the door for us with a caring gesture ( this was some new watchman, generally the watchman who is there on duty everyday is very rude). Seeing his polite manner I said thank you to him.
I went to ATM and was surprised because I had never noticed that it actually had sweet msg on display like “Have an awesome day”. With a smile and saying “You too” to no one in particular I came out of the ATM booth happily.
I noticed my day had started on good notes.
I decided I am gonna be good today.
I had gone out for some work so while coming back I took one auto rickshaw( tuk-tuk) and gave him the address but I think I wasn’t clear in telling so he got confused and took wrong turn. So I corrected him and asked him to go another way. He was an old man, I think, irritated with circumstances hence got angry and started murmuring.
That polite gesture of watchman in the morning had urged my politeness to come on surface and determined to spread that goodness I didn’t react to his sharp comments. Just unfazed with his short temper I thanked him while getting down from the auto. Now hearing my thank you that man all of a sudden realised his rudeness and said it is okay if he had to take extra round to reach my said address. Not saying sorry but feeling sorry for his behaviour he nodded his head and went away.
I have heard people saying give a smile, you will get a smile! Do good, you will get good!
It actually works!!
The reason behind the change in the behavior of the Rickshaw wala is your kindness and politeness. If we get this approach to every people it might be change in their approach too and they can became polite and happy.
Thank you for reading. That’s the point . Goodness is infectious!
Yes, @shilpavarma... You are right! Doing good things or helping others or even giving a good smile, always helps a lot... :)
Thank you ! 😊