RE: India busted Pakistan's lies, evidence to show the world
I think this article is a bit polarized and unclear. According to the German news report there were 3 planes down: an Indian one going down on the Indian side, a Pakistani one (with a dead pilot), and the Indian pilot captured on Pakistani side?
Also since both India and Pakistan (and China for some reason) feel like Kashmir is their turf, doing such operations on each others territory without consent of the other just asks for trouble?
Another news report said that actually that dispute is just to boost someone in the upcoming Indian elections, while it will never escalate to war. Yet the report also stated that living in that area can be pretty tough due to the amount of minor and people like to build bomb shelters there to keep safe. Some interviewed even said to have that bloody war to end all conflicts like 40 years ago, and then have peace, completely ignoring that both have nuclear bombs and a nuclear war would be the end of all of us.
Trevor Noah compared India and Pakistan with Cardi B and Nicki Minaj, just armed with Nuclear Bombs. (1:55)