Village house (India) Photo- 1
As of 2018, there are 597,464 census villages in India.
Life is simple and people are innocents. No electricity no mobiles.
A hut is a primitive dwelling, which may be constructed of various local materials. Huts are a type of vernacular architecture because they are built of readily available materials such as wood, snow, ice, stone, grass, palm leaves, branches, hides, fabric, or mud using techniques passed down through the generations.(Wikipedia)
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Pic is from my village named -Nikash.
Description is telling about general hut made of.. Though it is not in India. Mostly snow hut are made by igloo.
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Which village is this one?
By the way, I haven't seen any hut made of snow or ice or hides in India. Have you?
beautiful bw photography
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welcome beautiful lady
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Thank you.😀😀😀
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