In the Mahabharata period, Indians will be shocked to know the extent of contact with foreigners.

in #india6 years ago


War dat: The war of Mahabharata and the composition of the Mahabharata text is different. This does not require confusion. It is all true and established that Lord Krishna was born in the year 3112 BC before the birth of Rohini Nakshatra and Ashtami date. According to Indian astronomer Aryabhatta, the Mahabharata war took place in 3137 BC and Kaliyug started 35 years after Krishna's demise. The Mahabharata period is the time when Sindhughati's civilization was at its peak.

Scholars believe that the study of the Sun and lunar eclipse described in the Mahabharata reveals that the war happened in the 31st century BC, but the composition of the text was coined in different ages. Initially there were 60 thousand verses which later rose on the basis of other sources. Historian D. S. Trivedi has stressed on the various historical and astrological grounds and set the time of war in 3137 BC. In the context of the 150 celestial events described in Mahabharata, Dr. Manish Pandit, physician of Nuclear Medicine, working in the UK, said that the war of Mahabharata was done on November 22, 3067 BC ... then it was war date. Now know that Indians in the Mahabharata period contact with foreigners.

During the Mahabharata period, there were more than 200 districts under 16 Mahajanapadas (Kuru, Panchal, Shursen, Vats, Koshal, Mall, Kashi, Angh, Magadha, Vragji, Chedi, Fishery, Ashmak, Avanti, Gandhara and Kamboj) of Akhand India. . Dard, Han, Hunja, Ambist Amb, Pashto, Kaikey, Waalik Bakhar, Abhishar (Rajouri), Kashmir, Madr, Yadu, Tirusu, Khandav, Sauveer Saurashtra, Surya, Yavan, Kirat, Nishad, Ushinar, Dhanip, Kaushambi, Videhi, Ganges, Pragjyashish (Assam), Ghang, Malav, Kalinga, Karnataka, Pandya, Anup, Vindhya, Malay, Dravid, Chola, Shivi Shivasthan-Seistan-Sarala Baloch region, Lower region of Sindh, Dandak, Maharashtra Surabhipattan Mysore, Andhra, Sinhal, Ahhir, Tan Vare, Shina, Kaka, Pani, Chuluk Chalukya, Sarost Sarotee, Kakar, Khokhar, Chindha Chindhad, Samera, Kokan, Jangal, Shaka, Pundra, Odre, Azhud, Jodhey Johia, Shur, Takshak and Lohad. Mentioned in the Mahabharata.


During the Mahabharata, molche and yavan were considered foreign. In India there were also some areas of this. However, these foreigners were more than settled out of India. If seen, Indians had increased their total, culture and religion by governing most areas of Arabia and Europe. In that period, India was the most modern country in the world and everyone was eager to settle down and trade etc. Indian people have also reached a number of parts of the world and have built a new country of governance, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand are the remaining examples of this. There were many colonies of India where the practice of Indian religion and culture was prevalent.

Rishi Garg was called Yavnacharya. It is also said that Arjun's tribal wife, Ulupi, was from America itself. Madhri, wife of Dhritarashtra's wife Gandhari Kandahar and Pandu's wife, was the sister of King Seleucus of Iran. It is mentioned that once the Muni Ved Vyas and his son Shukdev were in America. Shuk asked a question from the father. Vyas ji, had been told earlier, therefore, without giving an answer, he ordered Shuk to go to Shuk, you go to Mithila (Nepal) and ask this question to the King Father.
Then Shuk had to go to Nepal from the US. It is said that the description of the route derived from the airplane of that period is in a beautiful stanza: - "Maroharshche is two years old as Hemavante: Kromene and Sammanya India Year Month.


I.e. Shukdev from America to Europe (Harivaresh, Hunan, via China and then to Mithila) The Puranas have called the Hari Monkey, and the year is known as the country, the monkeys are red-headed, Europeans have red mouths, hence, Harivaresh is called Europe. Hungary is Hungarian, it was the route of the Shukdev airplane ... In the ancient continent of Bolivia (presently Peru and Chile), Hindus built their settlements in ancient times and also agricultural. At the entrance of the ancient temples here, inscription, sun door, moon gate, snake etc. are all Hindu religion, and the mention of America in the character of Jambu Island is also found in Parsi, Yajidi, Pagan, Sabine, Mushrik, Kuresh Etc. The ancient caste is considered to be the ancient branch of Hindu religion.
There is also a description of seven wheels in the Rig Veda - "Soma Pushan Rajaso Planar Saptachakram Ratham Vishvarbhavanam." ... Also mention of submarine in the Rigveda Code also says, Tabhiryaas Dutan Suryasamyakamane grows up hope: ".


Sree Krishna and Arjun Agni Yan (Ashwatari) were seduced by the sea to bring the oasis to the oasis. Bhima, Nakul and Sahdev also went abroad. The occasion was of the Rajusya Yagya of Yudhishtir. They went to invite great sages and kings. These people went in four directions. Agnion of Krishna-Arjun was the most advanced motor vote. It is said that Krishna and Balram, with the help of a boat, reached Mathura from Dwarka in a short span of time.
It is mentioned in the Mahabharata that Arjuna went north to Kuru. A branch of the people of Kuru dynasty lived in an area of ​​the North Pole. They call them North Kuru because they lived in the north of the Himalayas. The mention of the geographical position of North-Kuru in the Mahabharata is similar to that of Russia and the North Pole. Russia, Tibet, Mongol, China, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan etc. come in the north of the Himalayas. After Arjun, mention is given to the victory of the emperor Lalitaditya Muktapid and his grandson Jaideep's North Kuru.
In the context of the battle of King Ravidadatta in Arjun's campaign of his reply, it has been said that the Chinese had helped King Quadruputt. During the reign of Yudhisthira's Rajsu Yagya, Chinese people also came to give him a gift.

Yavan has been mentioned many times in the Mahabharata. It indicates that the Yavan used to live near Mathura, apart from India's western border. Yavans had fierce attacks during the rule of Pushyamitra Sung. During the war of Kaurav Pandavas, yavanas have been mentioned as helpers of grace. In the Mahabharata period, Yavan, Mcleak and many other inferior characters were also respected for the Kshatriyas. Indications of the use of foreign language in the Mahabharata period also exists. It is said that Vipura gives the indication of the incident happening in the lakshaksh place in the foreign language.


Jarasand's friend Kalyavan was himself a Yavan country. Kalayavan was the son of Rishi Seshirayana and Apsara Rambha. Rishi Seshirayan of the Garg tribe was the Vice Chancellor of the state.
Malachi, a cruel king named Kal Jung, ruled the country. She had no children because of which she was disturbed. His minister took him to Baba Anandagiri Mountain. Baba told him that he sought his son from Rishi Sheshirayan. Rishi Seshirayan gave the son to Kal Jung on Baba's grace. Thus Kalayvan Yawan became the king of the country.

It is mentioned in the Mahabharata that in the nakul, west was defeated by the people. After completing Rajsuya Yagya by Yudhisthira, Han had come to give him a gift. It is noteworthy that the Sikhs first ruled by attacking the dhoti part of India in the reign of Skandagupta (455 to 467 AD). The Huns were located on the western border of India. Similarly, in the Mahabharata, it is mentioned in reference to Sahadeva being given a military campaign in South India that the messengers of Sahadeva had subdued the city of Yavan in the area.
In ancient times, there was a close business relationship between India and Rome. The existence of Roman settlement has come to light in the wake of excavation by Wheeler, in 1945 by Rikamedu. In the Mahabharata, Yavan settlement of South India must have been the Roman settlement derived from Arikmedu. However, there is a clear mention of the Romans in another place in the Mahabharata. According to this mention, it has been said that during the conclusion of Yudhisthira's Rajsuya Yagna,


There is also mention of suspicions in the Mahabharata. There is a difference between doubt and Shakya. Sakya caste is a nation inhabiting from ancient times in Nepal and India. Going west in Nakul had defeated the doubts. The suspects also gave a gift to Yudhishthira on the closing of the Rajasu Yagya. The suspicions of peace in Mahabharata's peace are with foreign nations. Nakul had defeated the vestige in addition to doubt in his western campaign. Attendance was originally a resident of Parthia.

In ancient India, the Indus river port was the union of Arab and Indian culture. From there the ship could reach Egypt or Saudi Arabia in a short span of time. If there were to go by road then Iran from Balochistan, Iraq to Iran, Iraq to Iraq, and Jordan from Jordan could be reached Egypt. Although to reach Egypt, it can be moved from Iran to Saudi Arabia and Egypt, but it has to cross two small parts of the sea.
The city here is a meeting place of Egyptian ancient civilizations and people of Africa, Arabia, and Romans. It was the major trading and religious center of the ancient world. Egypt has deep connection with India. It is believed that the brothers belonging to the Yadavas' Gajpat, Bhupad and Pripipada lived in Egypt. Due to a dispute with his brothers in Gajpad, he left Egypt and built a gazpad town near Afghanistan. Gajpad was very powerful.

According to Rig Veda, Varun is the knower of all the ways of God Sea. There are many references to crossing the ocean by boat in Rigveda. One hundred sailors also mention the rowing of a large ship. In Rigveda, along with trade from the sea route, there is mention of both the oceans (eastern and western) of India which are today called the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea. Atharvaveda mentions such boats which were safe, extended and comfortable too.
In the Rigveda, the Saraswati river is called 'Hiranyavtani' (the surma Marg) and the river Sindhu is called 'Hiranyamayi' (Swarnamayi). Gold Metals were extracted from the Saraswati area and it was exported. In addition, other items were also exported. People from India used to trade with Egypt through Iraq, through the sea. In the third century Indians used to export horses to the Malayan countries (Malaya) and Indian Chinese countries by sea.
Indians used to ride the ships on the ships, this is evident from the anecdote of Tug Rishi in the famous Vedic literature, by the story of the cavorts in Ramayana and by Digvijay of Raghu in folklore.In India, there are rivers like Indus, Ganga, Saraswati and Brahmaputra which are But in the mythological period, mention of walking of ships, ships etc. is found.

Some scholars believe that ships between India and the rest of the ancient Khalad (Chaldea) country on the Gulf of Arabia and the Euphrates River were transported from ships 3,000 years ago. Rigveda, India's oldest book, has many references to ships and seashells (Rig 1. 25. 7, 1. 48. 3, 1. 56.2, 7. 88. 3-4 etc.). Yagnavalkya Sahita, Markandeya and other mythologies also have ships and sea-related stories and talks at many places. In Manushahita, the rules related to the passengers of the ship are described. The period of 3,000 years before Christ was the period of Mahabharata.


America is mentioned in the Puranas as Patlalok, Nagolok etc. This Ambarish was also called. Like Mexico was called a gooseberry. It is said that the people of Mexico are of Indian descent. They cook bread like Indians, chew pans, lime, tomato etc. Their customs, fables, teachings are the same as Indians when they send in-laws to the bride. Mexico is on one side of the United States and Canada on the other hand. Now it is said about this Canadian name that it was named after the Indian sage Kanad. This story was narrated by a writer named Dorothy Chaplin in his treatise. Canada has an area called Alaska in the north. According to the Puranas, the city of Kuber was in the north of Alakapuri Himalaya. It seems to be inspired by Alaska Alka.

The highest proof of the fact that statues and inscriptions of gods, such as Shiva, Ganesha, Narasimha etc are found in America, that there was residence of Indians in America in the ancient times. In this detailed description you will find pictures in the book 'Hindu America' written by Bhikshu Chamanlal. In South America, there is a special area for Uruguay which is inspired by the name of Vrindu's name Urugaon and likewise it is considered as the abode of Gautamala. Buenos Aires is actually inspired by Bhubaneswar. Argentina is considered as the ablation of Arjunasthan.
The founding of Pandavas was the Maya demon. Together with Vishwakarma, it contributed to the construction of Dwarka. This created Indraprastha. It is said that the ancient ruins of America are manufactured by him. This is considered to be the father of Maya civilization. The ancient texts of this civilization are popol vuh (popol vuh). In the Popol Volume, some of the similar Vedas are also mentioned in the situation of creation before creation. In the same Popol Volume, the description of the struggle of God from the Aranavastha i.e. the Asuras comes in the same way as it is found in the Vedas.

thanks everyone

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