Trying to find a way to get funds to Tom Duggan in Syria faster.
At the moment the legend that is @jimbobbill is helping me transfer funds.
I am though concerned about tax regulations that he may find himself having to deal with.
Especially when governments change rules any time they want, and can demand tax be paid on crypto currencies.
Tax ceiling.
Jim says he can get away with 11,000 gbp before being taxed, though we know this can be changed at any moment the government likes. So I am trying to find a way, we can at least cut the transfer of cash to his bank account, as I also have concerns the UK will not like cash being sent to Syria, as they have Syria listed on their trade blacklist.
I am trying to find a good btc debit card I could order and get shipped or carried over to Tom.
Does anyone on here have any ideas about this? I do not even have a wallet online, and am not a member of any exchanges. So all of this is out of my knowledge spectrum.
- A card he can use at atm's and shops etc.
- Something low cost to maintain.
- Any information anyone can think of that may help.
I was sent a link and suggestion about a site last night, though it looks to be a pre-order concept rather than a "thing"
This is the site here
I am honestly hopeless with cryptos, I just send them to my nano s and forget about them, this though is not ideal to get cash to Tom.
Or advice greatly welcome.
Here is hoping one of you bright people has a good idea how we can accomplish this, so he can get funds whilst on the road like this week.
As always have a fantastic week.
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plural -s
: one that deliberates
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I don't have any idea about this 😟 beacause I have no wallet in online. You can disscuss with expert who has vast knowledge about money exchange.
By the way, I am very overwhelmed, seeing your sympathy for Syrian people.
The world still exists because people like you are in this world.
May ALLAH help you to fullfuil yor wish 😍
Love & salute for you dear friend.
Thank you my number 1 commentator. :-)
The only guy I know it's doing something like that is @ackza, with a Bitpay Debit Card, but I don't know much more about it and I do not know to what extent we can compare Syria with San Diego. I'll try to take a look though, keep on my friend.
Thanks alehandro you legend, let me know please.
Bad news I guess, acording to the web, BitPay is a U.S.-based company and U.S. companies are prohibited from engaging economically or by trade with persons or businesses based in countries under trade and economic sanctions set by the U.S. Department of Treasury's Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC). It seems like a really complicated thing and I do not think they will make it much easier.
I am coming to the same conclusion, so trying to get him to open a UK bank account, so I can just pay it into that instead.
Wow 😔
All good.