Incredible You! Nigel's Dead: Now Meet Jonathan
Six months ago I told you how to kill off your version of Nigel, in the article Incredible You! The Killing Of Nigel. That was where I told you how giving your fixed mindset a name would help you to achieve growth in your life by facing failure head on.
We learned that our fixed mindsets are the voices in our head always telling us we can't do something, or how we should give up right now to save the pain and humiliation of failure.
Your fixed mindset tells you that anything that can't be mastered immediately is not worth doing, my fixed mindset's name was Nigel and I told you how I killed him off.
However now that Nigel is dead, or at least so beaten and feeble he can hardly raise a fight these days. I'm afraid that he has been replaced by someone much slicker, much more persuasive and dare I say it; more pleasant to listen to.
The Devil In Disguise
Meet Jonathon, he is Nigel's better looking, more upbeat twin. Whereas Nigel was a right downer, always looking for new ways to tell me I can't do something.
His twin brother Jonathan uses an entirely new tact; you see Jonathan is much cleverer than Nigel, instead of telling me I can't do something and how bad I am at whatever new challenge I'm taking on. He instead tells me how I can do something and how great I am at it.
This doesn't seem too bad at first; what's wrong with a bit of confidence right?
However that is Jonathan's strength, where Nigel used to say; "Ugh, why are you even trying that, you'll never be any good, just give up now."
Jonathan instead says; *"You know you are really great at what you do. But hey you know what? Perhaps you should stick to that, give up trying for this new skill, maybe it's a case of your brain is better suited to what you're so goddamned great at! I mean you are really good at that, so just stick to it; where's the harm in that?"
Ooooh Jonathan, I almost fell for your charms, you constantly tell me how great and wonderful I am, just to disguise your true intent. Which is to make sure I never progress beyond this point, that I stay in my comfort zone, never pushing myself to improve and succeed in new endeavours.
Haha, I see you now, time for you to go the same way as Nigel.
Balanced Ego
In her book Mindset, Dr Carol Dweck presents evidence to show that praising ability over effort can be very destructive.
She cites study after study on both young and old, whereby telling someone how good they are at something, over how much effort they put in to learning that same something, simply puts them in a fixed mindset.
For example, a bunch of thirteen to fourteen year old children were given a tough test that was actually for university entrants.
After the test, they took all the kids that did well in it and separated them into two groups, not physically, but simply by what they said to them when they gave the kids their test results back.
"Oh wow! 85%, you must be really good at this."
"Oh wow! 85%, you must have worked really hard at this."
That subtle little change in language created a MASSIVE change in attitude.
When the you must be really good at this group were asked how the test was. They looked on painfully as they told the examiner how hard and horrible it was.
When they were asked if they wanted to do another test that was even harder, most of them said; no way!
Conversely when the you must have worked really hard at this group were asked the same questions. They on the other hand told the examiners how hard it was, but how much they loved the challenge, and most of them agreed to take another even harder test.
Let that sink in a second; nobody knew these kids beforehand, and the only difference between the two groups, was what was said to them when handing back the results.
Lastly both groups were asked to write something for future students whom might take the test. Get this, forty percent of the you must be really good at this group, lied about their results.
They felt that 85% wasn't good, they all had different perceptions of what good was, so they felt the need to boost their scores.
Bye Bye Jonathan
So in order to get rid of Jonathan, when I hear him telling me that I'm an amazing writer or how buff I am at the moment.
I remind him of the work I've put into these things, I remind him that there's a process that one has to go through in order to get good at anything.
Sure sometimes it may take more work to master a new skill, but nothing happens by magic.
So quieten down Jonathan, thanks for the compliments and all, but you just sit your ass down while I get on with the work it will take me to get great at this new thing.
Further Reading
Incredible You! The Killing Of Nigel
Title image: James Sutton on Unsplash
I don't think my Nigel is still alive, I tried to murder it sometime ago. Now I fill my head with just positive things, but I totally forgot about Jonathon. Guess it's time to face that squarely to<
Yes, Jonathan is a sneaky one, he is like your friend, but he's not!! :-)
I'm sure that many of us are at Mr Jonathan's level and we seem to enjoy the comfort thereof, but without continuous work, we can't improve on what we've gotten.
I personally need to get ride of Mr Jonathan, though I still have a little remains of Mr Nigel to battle with, because I still doubt myself in some situations.
Self doubt is a natural part of life, it's just about how we deal with it, sometimes I doubt myself for as long as a week, maybe more. But the more I learn how to cope with my fixed mindset, and the more I think about coping strategies, the easier it becomes.
Wow, thanks for the lift.
I use the copying strategies to stay out of the doubt on most cases too, but I'm a type of a sensitive guy that knows if I'm lying or telling myself the truth... Lol
I'm so difficult to understand, even by myself....
You're welcome!
Introspection is a good thing, in fact I've just written about metacognition and am about to publish, so look out for that :-)
Definitely, I will be looking forward to it.
Nigel Nostalgia, and Jonathon Comfortzone....they are both both bastards!
Proper big time Charlies!! :-D
What a write up.
Many want to relax on what they are good at and put the work to keep improving at side. Myself is a typical example here... Smile
Mr Nigel is not an enemy anymore, I overcame him long ago too, but with the way you presented Mr Jonathan, I think that's exactly my story.
But, here is a question my dear friend, if I should get ride of Mr Jonathan, what other mr can I replaced with him... Smile
He is replaced by a new you, a growth minded individual who understands about process, and using effective strategies to get success. :-)
Frankly, I've been so busy lately with Nigel, that Jonathan 's insidious effect has gone unnoticed.
Glad I just discovered your Nigel post lol.
There's no doubt that Jonathan is a wrecking ball for adaptability, but boy, does Jonathan have an ace in his sleeve.
I mean, I'm fascinated by movie comedians, and sometimes the greatest comedians in the world will just stop making people laugh because they want to learn how to act.
Jim Carrey gave up his Ace Ventura, Mask, Dumb and Dumber phase to be The Man in the Moon and Eternally Spotless. Now fair dos, he wants to be a great actor, but Jonathan told him, you're the funniest guy in the world, you're never gonna be Robert de Niro.
F you, Jonathan, says Jim Carrey, and he then goes on to deprive the world of his mugging skills for two decades, focusing on trying to be Robert de Niro.
Sure, it got Jim a Golden Globe nomination or two, but the world lost the funniest guy in the worlds most productive years.
And I'm left thinking, Jonathan my friend, you had a point! Lol.
Funnily enough, Jim Carey has reported himself as having 'Imposter Syndrome' whereby he didn't think he was that great, despite all the external evidence to the contrary. So actually I think it was Nigel saying to him 'why are you clowning around, this isn't proper acting, you're rubbish, nobody really finds you funny...etc, etc.'
I know what you mean though, I miss his comedy :-)
I heard about his impostor syndrome, and I've been watching his strange recent utterings with some bafflement.
Thinking about it, you're right. It was Nigel all along :(
Yup, the man is plagued with self-doubt, which just goes to show how persuasive that bastard Nigel can be!
I haven't even killed my Nigel yet. As for Jonathon, he's definitely a prominent part of my life... and recent failures
Kill him off now! Give your fixed mindset a name, she'll probably have a different one from Nigel, but get rid of her by focusing on process and creating effective strategies to achieve your goals. Number one is, don't be afraid of failure, and don't be afraid to analyse why things went wrong.
Write them down, and then write down strategies for how you'll avoid such mistakes in the future, then they turn from failures to learning points. :-)
I always tells my Johnathan that it's not by chance, it's because of the hard work...then I would remind him of how bad I used to be in mechanics and after alot of sleepless nights I finally learned it...
Exactly, sleepless nights and focused learning; well done on your efforts :-)
@cryptogee keep evert thing balance in like nothing will go wrong. I am trying my best for myself.
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