Contest of June #1 by @sduttaskitchen| Do you believe dedication depends on determination?
Hello all steemian friends
This is my participation in :-
Contest of June #1 by @sduttaskitchen Admin and Founder in Incredible India" Do you believe dedication depends on determination?
Do you believe dedication depends on determination?How?
Yes, it is very true that we cannot be dedicated to any work without determination.
We have to follow very strict rules and sincere resolutions to achieve the goals of our life.
Determination means the realization of the determination made by us with commitment to reach a goal or fulfill a particular purpose.
It is the act of successfully completing a specific purpose or goal through pointy efforts, which motivates us to succeed in the goal.
How can we increase our dedication to definite determination? Describe.
First of all, we have to clearly determine our goal by using our will power.
We have to make a concrete plan to achieve our goal to reach this goal or work at the end.
For the implementation of the plan, we have to identify the necessary resources and assistance. To achieve success, we will need to maintain our self-confidence.
Our self-confidence is important. Because we can achieve our goals only by believing in ourselves.
With this belief and determination, we will be able to achieve various goals and objectives in professional life and personal life.
You can share your challenging stories( both in your personal and professional life) to justify the term.
This story is such that no one will believe it but it is true, I was a member in a precious club where small officials like me were looked down upon.
I was a very good snooker player there, one evening the chief judge of our district came to play there and started playing with me, I defeated him in a few minutes.
Then he asked for my introduction, as soon as I tried to introduce myself to him, the manager of that club came running and said to the judge indicating me , Sir,he is a manufacturer of a medicine and he has a manufacturing unit of city.
I was a bit surprised and later I asked the manager why did he lie. He told me that these judges have a lot of ego, if he came to know that you are a junior government officer and you defeated him, he would have got angry and would have cancelled your membership or we would have suffered a lot .
I felt that a small level person has no value in big places, and I resolved that now I have to set up a medicine factory, and within 2 years, I took a loan from the bank and set up a large scale medicine manufacturing factory.
It is a different matter that after running it for about 8 years, I had to close it due to the betrayal of a partner.
But the purpose of telling this story was that if a person decides to do something with a strong intention, then it is not impossible to do it.
Do you have any suggestions for newbies who want to be successful on steemit? Please share (if any).
My first suggestion to all those people who want to be successful on steemit is that they should set their goals and move forward with patient steps. Haste and impatience in any work causes loss.
And the second suggestion is that you should not be jealous of others' success, people who have been on this platform for a long time have reached a good position.
The third suggestion is that do not use any kind of fraudulent means to achieve success quickly, otherwise if you get caught, then all your credibility can be lost in one stroke.
There are many examples of this on steemit platform, where people were making good progress, but in the greed of becoming famous and earning money quickly, they used wrong and plagiarized methods, and their theft was caught. And then their entire career was ruined.
That is why it is said "Lack of caution leads to accidents" or "Delay is better than accident" Another saying is "The fruit of patience is always sweet"
I also want to invite here :
Thanks for reading my post .
Your friend .
আমাদের সংকল্পের মাধ্যমে আমরা নিজেদের জীবনকে সুন্দরভাবে সাজাতে পারি । আমাদের সফলতা অর্জন করার জন্য ইচ্ছা শক্তি এবং প্রচেষ্টা থাকতে হবে ।
আমাকে বড় হতে হবে এই সংকল্প নিজের মনে তৈরি করতে হবে তবেই আমরা জীবনকে সুন্দরভাবে প্রতিষ্ঠিত করতে পারব।
এই আকর্ষণীয় প্রতিযোগিতায় অংশগ্রহণ করার জন্য অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ । প্রতিটি প্রশ্নের উত্তর খুব সুন্দর ভাবে আমাদের সাথে শেয়ার করেছেন ।আপনার জন্য রইল শুভকামনা ।
Thank you my friend, @muktaseo
you read my post and gave your beautiful thoughts on it.
Be happy.
@anasuleidy, Thank you, sir.
Dear @sur-riti, I read your post and honestly you are entirely right. Determination and dedicated are the two keys to success, for one to achieve success he needs a road map and the zeal to follow that road map which is determination. Your post clearly tells us the basic importance of having a determined and dedicated mind, best of luck and success
Thank You very much for reading and commenting on my post.
It's was my pleasure
আপনি বিশ্বাস করেন যে ,যেকোনো কাজ করার প্রতি আমরা যদি মন থেকে সংকল্পবদ্ধ না হয় তাহলে আমাদের ওই কাজের প্রতি ডেডিকেশন আসবে না।আপনার গল্পটা পরে আসলেই বিশ্বাস করতে কিছুটা কষ্ট হচ্ছিলো যে ,এমনও হতে পারে !
স্টিমিট প্লাটফর্মে আমার জার্নি মাত্র বছরখানেকের তাই নতুনই বলা যায়। নতুনদের আপনার পরামর্শ আমার অনেক কাজে আসবে। তাই অনেক ধন্যবাদ আপনাকে।
প্রতিযোগিতায় আপনার সফলতা কামনা করছি।
Thank you my friend,@sayeedasultana
You read my post and gave your beautiful comments on it. It is true that without commitment success is unimaginable.
Be happy, keep working hard and be dedicated.
My X promotion,
Hello @sur-riti, thank you for the invitation, I completely agree, we must have a goal and have willpower to complete that determination, how good you managed to make a decision and set up a medicine factory, how bad your partner played a dirty trick on you and you closed the business.
Hello my good friend, @haidee
I have got both good and bad friends in this life, but the experiences are mostly good, profit and loss is God's game.
I never cared about it.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Saludos amigo, gracias por la mención a este concurso.
La determinación esta dentro de nosotros, esta depende de lo seguro que estemos de si mismos, de la confianza que tengamos en nuestras acciones.
Feliz y bendecido día.
Helo friend @yancar
thanks for the comment , you are always best.
Thank You very much, @anasuleidy
Your definition of determination is a clear way to justify your answer to the first question;
I will also agree with you that determination has a way of pushing an individual to be dedicated. I hope many newbies can get hold of this article that is worth reading.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Many success in the contest!
Thank You my great friend, for your kind words and your blessings.