"Winners announcement of monthly contest of March by @sampabiswas | All about motherhood"

in Incredible India3 days ago
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"Edited by canva"



How are you all? Hope everyone is doing well. The time for participating in the contest of march organized by me, has already ended. So today I am going to present the winner announcement post.

Before that, of course, I would like to thank all the participants for expressing their feelings so beautifully about the chosen topic of this contest. Everyone's posts were so beautiful and emotional, which I personally enjoyed reading.


Total number of entries13 entries
Number of Vaild post13 post
Number of Invalid post00 post


Club Status
Number of post
Club505013 post
Club7500 post
Club10000 post
No Club00 post

As you know I will choose three winners as per the contest rules. But personally, I believe that it is more important to participate in the contest than to win, to express one's own opinions and feelings.


Hope you have noticed earlier, as per our admin mam's instructions, if a moderator including co-admin participates in any contest running in our community, we do not select them as winners. This is one of our community rules.


User ID
Post Link
Prize Amount
@marianriFirst PositionPost Link5 steem
@adylinahSecond PositionPost Link3 steem
@rubina203Third PositionPost Link2 steem


Winner's Details


Actualmente me encuentro embarazada y el proceso de prepararse poco a poco se va dando a medida que se acercan los días, cuando vas teniendo la experiencia directa con la pancita, cada visita al doctor, cada patadita que solemos sentir y de una manera u otra nos prepara a tal punto de que empezamos a dar todo por esa criatura que viene en camino, es como si la propia naturaleza se encarga de enseñarte lo que debes hacer.

First of all congratulations. I am very happy to know that you are currently pregnant and will bring a new life into the world very soon. During this period of motherhood, every moment seems to be a different feeling inside the mind. As time passes, you feel that unique sensation of slowly growing a soul inside your body. You are right, the responsibility of preparing girls physically and mentally for this phase of life should be taken by nature itself.



Maternity is one of the toughest part of motherhood and it is the hardest race to run alone. Having a husband who is supportive ( emotionally and physically) during this period is indeed a BLESSING.

You are absolutely right, 9 months of pregnancy is the most difficult time of our life. Then there are many physical and mental changes in the life of girls. And this time we need a right life partner, who helps us to accept physical changes and emotional changes very naturally and stays by our side. But unfortunately not everyone is lucky enough to have their husband by their side. That's probably why God gave this responsibility to girls, because he knows girls have more endurance. But yes those who get such a life partner are really lucky. They enjoy this time together beautifully, and bring a new life into the world.



মাতৃত্বকালীন সময় একজন পুরুষের সবচাইতে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বিষয় হচ্ছে, সন্তান জন্মের জন্য প্রস্তুতি নেওয়া। অর্থাৎ আপনার সন্তান কিভাবে এই পৃথিবীতে আসবে। এ সম্পর্কে আপনাকে ধারণা নিতে হবে। আপনার সন্তানের জন্য আপনার কি কি করনীয়, এই বিষয় নিয়ে আপনাকে কিছু বিষয় অবশ্যই জানতে হবে। ডাক্তারের সাথে পরামর্শ করতে হবে। আপনার সন্তান যাতে সঠিকভাবে এই পৃথিবীতে ভূমিষ্ঠ হয়, তার জন্য অবশ্যই হসপিটালের আগে থেকে যোগাযোগ রাখতে হবে এবং যদি রক্তের প্রয়োজন হয় বা অন্য কিছুর প্রয়োজন হয়। তাহলে সেটা আগে থেকেই ঠিক করে রাখতে হবে।

Along with taking care of the wife during pregnancy, all husbands need to take care of many things so that your baby can come into this world healthy. From going for regular check-up to the doctor, to making sure the baby is growing properly, to arranging which hospital or nursing home the delivery will take place. There is a need to check all the aspects properly if there is any problem after the baby is born, whether there is a proper arrangement or not. Since it is not possible for the mother to check these things at that time, this responsibility should be taken by all the husbands. So that besides bringing the child into this world well, all arrangements can be made to keep one's wife healthy. Sorry to hear about your situation with your second child, but now you are very happy with two children, and I pray that you will be well in future also.


Prize Distribution




I believe everyone who participated liked the content. Next month I will organize a contest again with a new topic and hope that you all will participate. Please invite your friends aslo. Anyway before concluding, congratulations to all the winners.


Saludos querida amiga, gracias por seleccionar mi publicación, me siento muy agradecida de esta gran mención además me encantó participar estare al pendiente del próximo concurso. Felicidades a las demas ganadoras y a todos aquellos que participaron.

 2 days ago 

আমি ছাড়াও প্রতিযোগিতায় যারা বিজয়ী হয়েছেন তাদের সবার জন্য অনেক অনেক শুভকামনা রইল। দিদি আপনাকে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ চমৎকার বিষয় নিয়ে প্রতিযোগিতার আয়োজন করার জন্য এবং প্রতিযোগিতার বিজয়ীদের পুরস্কৃত করার জন্য ভালো থাকবেন।

 2 days ago 

Thank you for selecting my article 🤗
Congratulations to all the winners!🎉

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