Contest of June #1 by @sduttaskitchen| Do you Believe Dedication Depends on Determination?
I am pleased to participate in this great contest well organized by the Admin of this community. A contest where there is an open floor for ideas from different participants. I will share my points of view by using the contest tips as guideline.
Dedication is the quality that upholds success in different areas of life, be it; career wise, personal growth, relationship or societal impact.
Explain Your Believe How Dedication Depends on Determination |
Yes, I strongly believe that dedication depends on determination. Both attributes are linked together, if determination is lacking when there is a set goal, then there is every tendency that there will be no strong force to motivate an individual or fuels the spirit of dedication.
Commitment, consistency, endurance, prioritization, being a problem solver and persistency are all attributes of dedication which fully depends on determination and your mindset.
How We can Increase the Spirit of Dedication to Definite Determination |
There are many steps in which we can use to increase our dedication to definite determination. First of all, as an individual, you must discover yourself, examine your ability, set your goals, prioritize them, use things around you as form of motivation, have a positive mindset, remain focus and committed to these set goals then wait patiently for positive results.
My Challenging Stories ( Both in my Personal and Professional Life) |
Life itself is full of challenges. We encounter different issues in our day-to-day life as humans. I usually face difficulties in both my personal and professional life. Currently, I have been receiving a bulk order for my business and the pressure to deliver on time is draining. This is because some faster tools used for these work are not in my reach but I know fully well that I will get them someday with time. I strongly believe in my professional growth process which is why I get to motivate myself daily with the hope of better tomorrow.
My Suggestions for Newbies Who are Determined to Succeed on Steemit |
Dear newbies, I will make my suggestions and words of advice brief. As a newcomer or beginner, learn to trust the process. If you want to successful here; be creative, be smart, be original, be visible, be consistent and wear the jacket of patience. Success is easy to achieve when you follow the right lane and channel your focus rightly.
I will invite @josepha, @eliany and @mvchacin to join the contest. Thanks again @karobiamin71 for the invitation, I have just acknowledged it.
আমাদের প্রতিশ্রুতি , ধারাবাহিকতা, সহনশীলতা, পরিশ্রমী এবং অধ্যবসায় এই সমস্ত উৎসর্গের বৈশিষ্ট্য । সংকল্পের মাধ্যমে আমাদের মানসিকতা নির্ভর করে থাকে । আমাদের ভবিষ্যৎ চিন্তা আমাদেরই করতে হবে ভবিষ্যৎ পরিকল্পনা এখন থেকে করতে হবে।
কথায় আছে মাথা থাকলে মাথা ব্যাথাও থাকবে তাই আমাদের এই জীবন চলার পথে নানা সমস্যার সম্মুখীন হতে হয়। সেই সমস্যায় বিভ্রান্ত না হয়ে ধৈর্য ধরে এবং নিজের মনের ভিতর আত্মবিশ্বাস রেখে সেই সমস্যাগুলো সমাধান করার চেষ্টা করতে হবে ।তবে আমরা সেই সমস্যা সমাধান করতে পারব।
এই আকর্ষণীয় প্রতিযোগিতায় অংশগ্রহণ করার জন্য আপনাকে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ। আপনার জন্য শুভকামনা রইল ।
Thank you for your valuable contribution 😊
Thank you my friend for inviting me.
You are welcome friend!
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