Five Facts About Accident of Aceh Governor Irwandi Yusuf [Lima Fakta Kecelakaan Pesawat Gubernur Aceh Irwandi Yusuf]

in #incident7 years ago (edited)

The incident also caused the aircraft propellers crumbled, and its right wing was broken into pieces.

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Yesterday the public was shocked by an incident. Private aircraft own to Aceh Governor Irwandi Yusuf crashed while doing emergency landing in Peukan Bada coastal area, Great Aceh.

The ultralight plane crashed, its snout swooped on the ground. Its right wing was broken.

Here are five facts of the incident that almost killed that former GAM propagandist.

  • Shark Aero Eagle One is Ultralight Plane has Single-engined Type

Before decided to do emergency landing in Peukan Bada, the plane that was piloted by Irwandi had explored almost all of regions in Aceh. Technically the plane is able to fly during 9 hours in the air.

Unfortunately, the plane is a single turboprop engine (propeller engine) or using a piston.

So, if the engine is suddenly off or damaged in the air, then the pilot must make an emergency landing decision as soon as possible. Otherwise, the plane will fall.

  • The aircraft engine off twice

Irwandi had piloted the plane with a passenger, an official government Taqwallah. While traverse the sky Leupung the plane's engine off twice on its flight from Aceh Jaya-Banda Aceh.

Also read: Berfoto dengan Berbagai Gaya di Depan Masjid Raya Baiturrahman, Foto Gadis Ini Paling Gokil

Because the engine was off, the aircraft's propeller automatically stops spinning. Therefore, the pilot must immediately landed an emergency.

Initially an emergency landing decision will be done in Leupung Beach area, Great Aceh because it was impossible to reach the SIM Airport in Great Aceh.

But then the engine plane suddenly came back to life so the plane back up to 2,000 feet. Unexpectedly because the plane engine off again.

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Finally, the decision to land was really done by Irwandi in Lam Awe Village, Ujong Pancu, Peukan Bada, Great Aceh, on Saturday afternoon.

But unfortunately this emergency landing did not go smoothly.

  • The plane's wheel was immersed in the sand

Irwandi who has a licensed flight aircraft pilot had made the best decision. Under conditions the aircraft propeller stopped spinning, an emergency landing must be done.

But unexpectedly an emergency landing plane done on a sandy beach so that the plane's wheel was immersed in sand. Finally the plane shook and hit the ground.

  • Aircraft swooped and Its wing was broken

It is possible that Irwandi's emergency landing could run smoothly if supported by a hard airstrip.

Therefore, the plane's wheels can function optimally to hold back aircraft body clash when touching the ground.

Most likely the aircraft damage due to impact can also be overcome. But this was not the case. Emergency landing took place on the sand beach that is mushy and it made the wheels' plane buried in the sand.

As a result, the plane's movement was unstable and eventually hit the ground. The incident also caused the aircraft propellers crumbled, and its right wing was broken into pieces.

  • Irwandi and Taqwallah were survive

As known to the propeller engined aircraft, the occurrence of autofeather failure or the automatic failure of the propeller function has always been a major risk that sould be faced by pilot.

Because in that situation, the propeller stopped rotating to make the plane crashed. However Irwandi had chosen the best decision. He immediately made an emergency landing.

See Source of Photo

This big and high-risk decision could eventually save them both from the possibility that the aircraft will dive down. Although reportedly this ultralight type aircraft also equipped with parachute.

The rest, only God's decisive destiny. [*]

Lima Fakta Kecelakaan Pesawat Gubernur Aceh Irwandi Yusuf

Insiden ini juga membuat baling-baling pesawat hancur, dan sayap kanannya patah berkeping.

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Kemarin publik dikejutkan dengan sebuah peristiwa heboh. Pesawat pribadi Gubernur Aceh Irwandi Yusuf kecelakaan dalam pendaratan darurat di kawasan pesisir Peukan Bada, Aceh Besar.

Pesawat jenis ultralight itu terhempas, moncongnya menukik tanah. Sayap kanannya patah berkeping.

Berikut inilah lima fakta dari peristiwa yang nyaris merenggut nyawa mantan ahli propaganda GAM itu.

  • Pesawat Shark Aero Eagle One jenis ultralight bermesin tunggal

Sebelum kejadian mendarat darurat di Peukan Bada, pesawat yang dipiloti Irwandi sudah menjelajahi hampir seluruh wilayah Aceh.

Secara teknis pesawat tersebut mampu terbang 9 jam di udara. Namun sayangnya, pesawat ini bermesin tunggal turboprop (mesin baling-baling) atau menggunakan piston.

Dengan begitu, apabila mesinnya mati atau rusak di udara, maka pilot harus mengambil keputusan mendarat darurat sesegera mungkin. Kalau tidak, pesawat akan jatuh.

  • Mesin pesawat mati dua kali

Pesawat yang dipiloti Irwandi bersama seorang penumpang, orang kepercayaannya Taqwallah sempat mengalami mati mesin dua kali saat melintasi langit Leupung, dalam penerbangan Aceh Jaya-Banda Aceh.

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Karena mesin mati, maka baling-baling pesawat otomatis berhenti berputar. Karenanya pilot harus segera mendarat darurat.

Semula keputusan mendarat darurat akan dilakukan kawasan Pantai Leupung, Aceh Besar karena tak mungkin bisa mencapai Bandara SIM Aceh Besar.

Tapi kemudian mesin pesawat mendadak kembali hidup sehingga pesawat kembali naik ke atas 2.000 kaki. Namun tanpa diduga dalam perjalanan mesin pesawat kembali mati.

Akhirnya keputusan mendarat benar-benar dilakukan Irwandi di kawasan pantai Desa Lam Awe, Ujong Pancu, Kecamatan Peukan Bada, Aceh Besar, Sabtu siang. Namun sayangnya pendaratan darurat ini tidak berjalan mulus.

  • Roda pesawat terbenam dalam pasir

Irwandi selaku pilot pesawat ringan yang berlisensi sudah mengambil keputusan terbaik.

Dalam kondisi baling-baling pesawat berhenti berputar pendaratan darurat harus dilakukan.

Tapi tanpa diduga pesawat mendarat darurat di landasan pantai yang berpasir sehingga roda pesawat terbenam dalam pasir. Akhirnya pesawat oleng dan membentur tanah.

  • Pesawat menukik dan patah sayap

Kemungkinan besar pendaratan darurat yang dilakukan Irwandi dapat berjalan mulus apabila didukung landasan terbang yang keras.

Baca juga: Cerita Robur, Si Tua yang Berjasa Mengantarkan Ribuan Mahasiswa Jadi Sarjana, Kini Nasibnya Menyedihkan

Sebab, roda pesawat bisa berfungsi optimal menahan benturan bodi pesawat saat menyentuh tanah. Kemungkinan besar kerusakan pesawat karena benturan juga dapat diatasi.

Tapi hal ini tidak terjadi. Pendaratan darurat berlangsung di atas pasir pantai sehingga membuat roda pesawat terbenam dalam pasir. Akibatnya pergerakan pesawat tidak stabil, dan akhirnya membentur tanah.

Insiden ini juga membuat baling-baling pesawat hancur, dan sayap kanannya patah berkeping.

  • Irwandi dan Taqwallah Selamat

Seperti diketahui bagi pesawat bermesin baling-baling, kejadian autofeather failure atau kegagalan fungsi otomatis baling-baling selalu menjadi risiko besar yang dihadapi pilot.

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Sebab dalam kondisi baling-baling berhenti berputar membuat pesawat jatuh. Namun Irwandi sudah memilih keputusan terbaik. Ia segera melakukan pendaratan darurat.

Keputusan besar dan berisiko tinggi ini akhirnya bisa menyelamatkan mereka berdua dari potensi pesawat menukik jatuh, meskipun kabarnya pesawat jenis ultralight ini juga dilengkapi parasut.

Selebihnya, hanya takdir Allah yang menentukan. [*]

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