My dark secret
I was involved with incest as a child it started when i was 7. My older brother and female cousin found our parents porn collection my brother became obsessed with porn so when he couldn't get his fix he'd have me perform oral on my younger cousin in front of him and her. I knew nothing of sex i just knew he enjoyed it when i did it so I'd do it whenever he liked. it became a way of us having fun we'd role play and i'd always be the girl i started to think then that if i were female maybe the family would pay me more attention. Plenty happened when i was 7 soon you'll know. Still to this day i enjoy giving oral to men i like the effects it has on a man the pleasure of pleasing them is what turns me on and the fact they get excited when i do it too i grew up having to teach myself primarily everything about life it's not an excuse just my reason for the act nothing more