Handwritng competition
Hello, fellow Steemians! @preciologya here.
Have you ever tried making a hand-lettered quote?
If yes, then you're welcome to join and if not, you are so much allowed to join.
Anyone can join as long as you unleash your creativity in this one.
I know I'm still a few weeks old on Steemit but I have been having fun with joining other contests too especially when I won 1st prize for @preciologya DIY Greeting Card Contest.
So without further ado, details of the contest are as follows.
Hand-lettering is a combination of calligraphy, the graceful writing of letters, lettering, hand-drawing of letters and typography, where type is arranged to be readable in an artistic way. I have been making a few artworks myself and I loved playing with letters.
How to join?
Upvote this post to boost the reward pool before the day of payout. Rewards will be taken from how much this post may gain.
Resteem this to provide a wider scope of viewers and contestants to join. The more contestants, the better.
Mechanics of the contest
Choose a quote that you really like. Make a hand-lettering of it on any piece of paper, even a scratch paper may do. You may color it if you like. Printed on computers or digitalized artworks are not allowed. It must be HAND-LETTERED.
On your post, make "Hand-lettering Contest | My Entry" as your title.
On your description, post the picture of your artwork first, then explain the following:
3a. Why you chose such particular quote and what does the quote mean to you? (The content also matters so explain well.)
Make "handletteraquote" your main category or tag, and "handletteringcontest" for tag #2 for easier checking of entries, the other three tags you want to put in, are all up to you.
You may only submit 1 entry for this contest so make the most out of your post.
Post your link in the comment section below so that we will know you have an entry.
A sample of the works for your guide is posted below.
1st Prize: 3 SBD
2nd Prize: 2 SBD
3rd Prize: 1 SBD
Prizes may change according to the payout reward. If the payout is larger than the initial prizes listed, then I will adjust it accordingly. Who knows? Many people will join and help boost the payout.
My BFF and sister-by-heart who loves reading write-ups with good content, @destinysaid,
my mural painter/tattooist/illustrator/artist friend, @jackdogbo, and of course me. I'll be helping them decide since I love hand-lettering as well.
Creativity/Originality - 60%
Content Composition - 40%
Deadline of Entries:
On Saturday, 11:59PM, UTC +8, Philippine Time.
Make your own now guys! I hope many people will join. Don't forget to share this with your friends too!
Best of luck everyone!
Much Love <3
Hello done