Here's When to Sell Your Bitcoin

in #in5 years ago

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when to sell your crypto a conversation,as old as the wind and the stones and as,mysterious as the Stars okay but,seriously seriously at some point if you,are investing in crypto you're going to,want to sell I know I know it can seem,crazy but selling and making money is,why almost everyone is in to crypto sure,so uh stick around for the financial,revolution but let's keep it real you,didn't invest your money to lose money,you invested to have more than you,started with so this video is going to,explore when to sell your crypto now,

before I break that down for you while,selling may be a part of crypto that,remains an enigma for some the buying,part tends to be a lot easier now if you,were looking for a great place to buy,Bitcoin and actually a whole range of,other different Kryptos than you need to,check out Kraken Kraken is one of the,oldest and most reputable exchanges out,there and it is a great place to buy and,yes even to sell your crypto there's a,link down below where you can get signed,up so there are two very different,conversations to have here one is about,trading the other is about investing but,really this conversation is going to be,about investing primarily but the wisdom,shared here will also be very useful to,aspiring traders because at the end of,the day everyone is trading it's true,our time frames and our expectations are,

just a bit different now before I break,down the different profit taking,strategies we need to have a serious,conversation about Bitcoin why well,because bitcoin is for many people a,form of taking profit and of itself the,game has become for many people do,everything possible to get more bitcoin,trade altcoins long over on,I bit get as much Bitcoin as possible,create and preserve your wealth maybe at,some point you'll sell off a little,sliver here or there or better yet trade,it with other Bitcoin enthusiasts for,goods and services in the future or even,crazier yet never sell your Bitcoin,gonna take those and just hot all those,bad boys to the grave and take your,private keys with you screw you,grandkids you're not getting this,Bitcoin ok well that might be a little,bit extreme but the Bitcoin as a form of,

wealth protection idea that's a serious,conversation to think about bitcoin is a,permanent escape from fiat all fiat,currencies are one way or another on a,trip to worthlessness sure some take,longer to get to zero than others but,they are all going there just ask people,in Argentina just ask people in,Venezuela why bitcoin is awesome and you,will very very quickly understand why,you will likely always want to have some,Bitcoin sitting around in your hardware,wallet personally there is a percentage,of my Bitcoin that I am willing to part,ways with for the right price of course,or for the right cause right is give,money to charity or something like that,using Bitcoin great now maybe you want,to buy some land or something very,significant like that also a very,interesting choice but the majority of,my Bitcoin is a wealth preservation tool,providing a solid pillow of financial,assets to build my future and my fortune,on and yes Bitcoin can take years to,provide significant returns but the,history of Bitcoin has shown its power,to not only build wealth but also to,preserve wealth in the long run there,are very very few cryptos that in my,opinion are something that I see as long,term,plays that I intend to hold for the,foreseeable future Manero is one of,those maneras got a very very clear,privacy use case for me and etherium is,the other one that comes to mind for a,whole different range of reasons,everything else in my portfolio I'm,gonna sell it off for cash man,

identifying that the big market movement,but they are a lagging indicator so they,may not give you that point of maximum,financial gain but they are useful to,see the big market turnarounds or turn,ups so watch for that when the 50-day,the orange line on the chart here falls,back below the 200-day moving average,this is the so-called death cross and,that usually signals that the markets,are going to be heading into some big,big trouble so you may want to consider,exiting,positions if you haven't already if you,haven't already now this is not going to,be the point of maximum financial gain,this is a lagging indicator again but if,you did get in at the Golden Cross and,then exit at the death cross well you're,likely to have significant financial,gain if you've missed that parabolic top,and you're still holding on you're a bit,doubtful then is probably a good time to,get out of some positions again it's a,lagging indicator so it's worth keeping,in mind that you're not gonna hit the,absolute parabolic top on that and,finally just to share it one more idea,

with you again this is far from,exhaustive lists technical analysis goes,way way deeper than two ends and,spending on in this video,so the MACD now at a very basic level,when watching the MACD watch for the,orange line to cross on top of the blue,line that can be an indicator the market,cycle is topping out and that you may,want to consider taking profits these,indicators been very useful in helping,you to really catch those market trends,as they are hitting major reversal,points and yes that's only a few,indicators I mean there's a lot other,indicators that I use when making my,decisions and you can make multiple,videos on each indicator into themselves,so do take some time to learn how these,different tools can help you in your,investing decisions you don't have to,learn how to use technical indicators,but it can certainly help your journey,

,quote from Bernard Baruch nobody ever,lost money taking a profit remember that,so my question for you today and I,really think this is actually a great,question that there's gonna be loads of,knowledge shared down in the comment,section so make sure to head down there,join in the conversation share your,wisdom or learn wisdom from others so,the question for you is what is your,profit taking strategy is something that,I've mentioned here is it something else,when do you decide to take profits how,do you decide to take profits what is,your strategy and of course thank you in,advance for sharing your wisdom with,everyone down there in the comments,section thank you


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