RE: [Hae-Joo] Lessons from the Summer of Love Zeitgeist
Seems like we are just endlessly running around in cycles. Government > corporations > back to nature > government yet again. Every generation thinks they found the "way" and it yet again turns out not to be as great. People as a whole just collectively take advantage of what opportunity best presented themselves during the time it seems for the most part.
Decades from now we could be seen as the generation that sold us out to the blockchain that where then controlled some group of people they despise themselves.
No matter what we do the next generations to follow will resent us and we will always look for ways to downplay their contributions to society as a whole.
I swear however the baby boomers enjoy it rather so much trying kick people down the ladder they worked so hard to climb up.
Well true that @enjar
That's not so much what bothers me, I mean sure we are endlessly running around in cycles, that's something we will never change. The Universe operates with such cycles.
But I do believe in evolution, but not linear evolution, more like evolution in a spiral. So we always return to something similar to what we had before, but slightly more expanded, more complex. So I think there's tremendous value from learning from the mistakes of previous generations, but also remembering what they did right. And sometimes, that's the hardest part.
I do fucking agree with your idea of the blockchain being something future generations will lament us for! Hah! Won't that funny!
I'm just skeptical and worried about the idea of bad blockchains being adopted and good blockchains being made illegal by the powers that shouldn't be.
I have no dogmatism about Bitcoin or any coin.
I want a completely decentralized, people-mined, peer-to-peer, "digital cash" option in this day and age. And I want to be able to create it myself, distribute to others myself, and the opposite be true for others.
If mining becomes so out of control that it must be handled by big corporations or governments, I will not support this technology.
It's the fact that I can still mine monero on my GPUs and actually make a decent profit that I find very compelling about some of these coins. But I'm by no means fooled and I also believe many people will choose the worst of all possible coins because of propaganda and conditioning.
It's sad to see the slave mentality continues on and on throughout history and is scantly ever questioned for more than 5 minutes.
But I keep the faith :)
Thank you for your thought provoking comment, this one was a good one !