The Important Role of Innovation and Creativity in Running a Business

in #importan3 years ago The Important Role of Innovation and Creativity in Running a Business - In running a business, innovation and creativity have a very important role. Many business people get their success from applying creativity and finding innovation in developing products.

This creative power must be based on a more advanced way of thinking, fresh new ideas, and also different from existing products on the market. If business people are able to maximize their creative power to create an innovation, the managed business will be able to appear more different than other competitors.

So, how to hone creativity to produce good product innovations? Relax, because on this occasion we will explain it in full, especially for you.

Innovation and Creativity in the Business World
Most people often misunderstand the meaning of creative and innovative. In fact, the two have different meanings even though they are related.

Creativity is an ability to develop new ideas and to find new ways of solving problems and maximizing opportunities.

While innovation is an ability to apply creative solutions to various opportunities and problems for the purpose of improving or enriching life.

So, creative is something that is done to find new ways, and innovative is a trait in applying creative solutions.

Creativity without innovation is useless, because the idea just stops in the mind without any real action.

Stage of Running Innovation and Creativity in Business
In a book entitled "The Art of Thoughts", Graham Wallas explains that before creating an innovation, there is a creative process that must be carried out, namely:

  1. Preparation Stage
    This stage is carried out to prepare oneself in solving problems by collecting various information and data, studying the ways of thinking of others, and asking a lot of them.

  2. Incubation Stage
    At this stage, the process of gathering information will be stopped, businesses are required to temporarily disengage from the problem. So, the problem that exists must be precipitated first.

  3. Illumination Stage
    In this stage, fresh ideas or inspiration will emerge.

  4. Verification Stage
    The verification stage is the stage of testing new creations or ideas against the existing reality. At this stage, thinking is needed that includes a divergence process or creative thinking and a convergence process or more critical thinking.

The Purpose of Developing Innovation and Creativity in Business
The goals of business people in developing innovation and creativity are to:

  1. Improve Product Efficiency
    Innovation in a product is carried out in order to increase the efficiency of the product. An item that undergoes innovation will be able to do its job correctly without having to waste more time.

For example, such as food delivery services in a restaurant. If previously they were only able to serve dine-in, the new innovation is to provide delivery or delivery services.

Another example is if previously you only recorded every transaction manually, you can switch to using an online cashier application in order to improve business operational efficiency.

  1. As a Differentiator or Characteristic of a Business
    One of the goals of implementing innovation is to be able to do or give birth to something different from other competitors. If you want to innovate on a product, then develop the product until it has certain advantages or specifications that are not yet on the market.

So, a business will have a characteristic or differentiator, be it in terms of products or the identity of the business brand itself.

A simple example is the product of a brownie cake. If brownies generally only use standard raw materials, namely wheat flour, the innovation that can be applied is to mix wheat flour with carrots or sweet potatoes.

  1. Attract More Consumers
    After implementing innovation in your business, later you will have a greater opportunity to attract more consumers than before. Every consumer will really like new breakthroughs that tend to be more unique.

For example in the stationery business. Pens with more colors will be able to attract the attention of consumers than pens that have black, blue, or red only.

  1. Creating New Markets in the Community
    Another goal of implementing innovation in business is to be able to create new markets in the midst of society.

Products that are given a touch of innovation will produce new features and developments that are able to attract people's attention. That way, people will want to buy the product.

However, innovation does not only have to provide feature development, some innovations can also be implemented by removing other features that are not important.

An example is in smartphone products. Some features such as memory capacity or camera quality must be reduced to give birth to a new product that is cheaper. Later, these products will give birth to new markets that prefer low prices with products that do not have much difference in terms of quality.

So as a businessman, you must always know and understand what is currently happening in the market so that you can determine the right innovation and creativity for your business to be able to meet market needs.

Especially in an era that is completely digital like today. Of course, the market really dreams of the presence of a fast service and save time. For that, you can use the cashier application from Accurate POS to meet their needs.

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