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RE: The Overlooked Secrets of Water (feat. Viktor Schauberger) | Pt. 1 - Spin = Life
Just seeing this...
Learned how to see where people commented.. lol
I'd say that nothing is unordered, just scaled to levels of incomprehensability to some that look. Widen the lens and there is the order.
So chaos would be ignorance, and order would be understanding/awareness. Another way... chaos is the potential, SAT, and order is the actualized/manifested, CHIT. That would mean the experience of an individual can be described as being chaos or order within the scope of comprehension and energy dynamics.
I agree with you. Chaos and order can be rhe same thing. They can ezist in th3 same space, and it is the being who looks that determines this. Everything is like this.
Yes I! Smiles and Hugs for all!
I miss comments regularly ;)
Yay, I fully agree to what you have written here and words can't add anything you don't already know...^^