Impact Income review

in #impact8 years ago

A few months ago I was the keynote at an event for bloggers. We laughed had a good time talking about accelerating business achievement.

At one point I asked, “How many of you would like me to give you a step by step guaranteed plan for your business?”

Hands shot up.

“How many would like for me to sit with you and tell you exactly what to do?”

Hands waving.

“How many would like to never have to make a decision in your business I would make all of them for you and you just carry out my instructions?!”

Hiiiigh hands.

“How many would like it if I showed you all of that AND I guaranteed you got paid month after month??!!!”

Hands were up and some folks even started to stand and clap!

I leaned to the edge of the stage.


“Come here.”


“Just keep your job because the person I just described is an employee.”

Fortunately they laughed and didn’t throw their laptops! I wasn’t trying to be rude, but to make an impact income you have change your mindset.

We. Are. Business. Owners.

We. Are. Entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurs take risks, employees perform tasks.

Entrepreneurs invest, employees divest.

Entrepreneurs plan, employees produce.

Entrepreneurs do the maximum, employees do their job.

Yes, at times we have to be both, but we better heavily weigh ourselves on the entrepreneur side.

We take responsibility for our actions.

We accept failure along with successes.

We work harder and longer than anyone else.

We don’t expect something to be handed to us, we believe we should earn it.

We see money as the result of accomplishment and serving our markets honestly.

We don’t live in the world of hype and hope, but of initiative and action.

We. Are. Entrepreneurs.

We rise early and stay up late. We work on problems and find solutions. We study and apply and test and gauge and tweak. We dream and plan and mold and shape and produce. We celebrate small successes and use them to fuel greater things. We believe in achievement. We believe in results. We believe in impact and influence before income.

We. Are. Entrepreneurs.

Join Paul Counts and Paul Evans as they show you how to create impact income. They will take you far away from the land of a “business in a box” and how you how to make it big.

* Why starting with "find a profitable niche" is the worst thing you could ever do!

* The top three reasons 98% of would be online entrepreneurs fail (and how you can reverse that.)

* The 3R System for getting hyper-focused so you never chase the wrong dream again.

* Discover a simple assessment that will cut through all the smoke and mirrors being taught today. After taking the assessment you will never wonder if you are in the right business or doing the right thing. You will KNOW.

* How to make the shift from puppet to person. Take control of your business and never put your fate in the hands of a scammer.

* Maybe you want to make $100 a day. Maybe you want mid to high six figures a year. We will lay out what that takes to so get clear. It's not about about magic like so many try to sell you, it's about mechanics that you can duplicate.

* Understand the power of a Customized Mission Model. If you want real freedom then you have to build your business around ONE thing. Skip this and you might as well not get started.

* Paul Evans will share how he got started in online business and made it big right out of the gate. Then how he lost his way and almost lost it all only to return to the original path. 

* Discover how your Origin is the best place to build your business.

* Paul Counts will share his Box of Cheerios story. How he hit rock bottom while making everyone else money but himself. Paul will share how he turned that around to dominate his niches and help others do the same.

* We will share six of our current businesses that are NOT in the "how to make money" niche. 

* Most folks teaching courses today on making money online have never owned a real business. They haven't made money in real niches. We have and we will show you how too as well!

Click Here Now!


 Impact Income  review

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