I just passed the Turing Test - in the wrong direction!

in #imnotabot7 years ago (edited)

I Am Not A Robot title image

I am not a Robot!

but, apparently some people are under the impression that I am?!

It all started 2 days ago. I went to Discord to check if @GINAbot had any news for me. She's set up to notify me of people talking about #GooglyEyes or mentioning me in a post. And indeed, I had been mentioned a few times, again. Mostly those mentions are from entries into the #GooglyPrize, but this time there was a special one:

efraims first mention

EN: And @fraenk is who?

@efraeim had posted this comment under a totally unrelated post about Hooters and the banking mafia?! I'm actually not entirely sure what it's about, Google translate does mangle the translation up pretty badly, but the folks over there were obviously discussing the likes of @cleverbot and @drotto in the comments.

I was a bit puzzled to find my name there, but I decided to have a little fun and let it roll. With the help of more Google translate gibberish I joined the discussion and introduced myself in Czech.

For your convenience, here's the "English" version, translated back from Czech:
Please not - "bot" gets turned into "shoe"...

I am a Legend? And a Bot?

Half way down Google translate made me sound pretty rude, but towards the end of this hilarious exchange I had developed the idea that @efraim initially must have confused me due to a post by @krakonos in the #cesky category. There, @krakonos talked about his steemit experiences and gave beginners a few hints about what to do around here. He kindly recommended the #GooglyPrize Challenge and he also suggested to invoke discussions with @cleverbot for a few extra cents. Somehow, at least that's what I suppose, that's where it started?!

Anyways, I thought @efraim had actually gathered by now that I indeed wasn't a bot. I referred him back to @krakonos to learn more without me risking to sound rude in Google translations again.

But @efraim must have still been convinced he was talking to a machine, as he went onwards to a different post about bots by another different steemian, @petecko, to ask them what the deal with this @fraenk bot was.

Again, here's the translated version for your convenience:

Bot-Level Legend Achieved

Ok, this was really getting weird. Apparently Google translate completely makes me sound like a machine?

I decided to head over to @krakonos latest #Cesky post to let him know what was going on. Maybe he would be able to finally clear it up.

But low and behold, I think @petecko is using @GINAbot or a similar service, too, as he was quick to respond himself (this time originally in English):

Finally passed the Captcha

I think he was a bit upset at first and maybe he felt as if I was just making fun of him, but it's all resolved now and @petecko actually took the effort to go back and clear up the confusion. Thanks mate!

Well, I sure had fun while it lasted.

I hope this post's thumbnail in my blog helps to avoid further confusion at least for a while.

Also, if you are still not convinced that I'm human... here's my super messy desk... I don't think any AI could work in such a mess :P


And what did we learn?

Don't trust Google translate!

Be careful talking to machines!

@GINAbot is totally awesome!

You haven't heard about @GINAbot, yet? The General Instant Notification Automaton? Oh you have no idea what you've been missing. She's a great tool provided free of charge by @neander-squirrel! Head over to the Minnow Power Discord to get reliable, configurable, custom notifications for steemit. This whole adventure would have never been possible without @GINAbots username-mention-notifications!

And in case anyone really doesn't know what the Turing Test is - it's an outdated conceptual test to determine if an AI can pass as a human in a conversation. More on WikiPedia

I'm 100% human!

follow @fraenk

... it's free!
fraenk avatar
steem-on and prosper


Again, I apologize very much.
Without verification, I accepted the claim that you are a bot. Only after our conversation today I added a comment under my post, in which I refute it.
Thank you for coming and telling us the truth.
I apologize for my English, it's not my native language.

Thank you for this article.
The Czech community is very small. We are still learning about Steemit and its features and capabilities. We're just a tiny plankton, we have among themselves no whale or witness. We search for all the information yourself. But we learn through mistakes.

Thank you for taking everything with humor.

No need to apologize. Thanks for having a laugh with me!

It was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed my venture into the small but active #Cesky community with you :D

Já ti prostě nevěřím! 🤣🤖

přetížení obvodů ... nevypočítává správně ⏳

Beer will cool circuits. ;) :D

Hahaha, this is awesome!

@fraenk is a shoe made for #googlyeyes

cracks me up again!

Although I do think a robot could have printed your message, I can vouch for the #Cesky community that @fraenk isn't a robot. Robots don't have this sense of humor! :D

And the mess on the desk is a giveaway too, hehe!

LOL, thanks for backing me up here :D

No prob! :)
And lesson learnt, Google translate isn't all that fantastic:


lol... yeah, that wasn't too bad actually :P

@cleverbot makes great puns sometimes, and he is a bot for sure :)

Anyway, did you know that robot is actually a word coined by a Czech writer Karel Čapek (or his brother Josef)? Check it up: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robot#Origin_of_the_term_'robot' :))

No, I did not know that.

+1 for the arduino
+1 for the timer
But a BlackBerry??? Who uses that nowadays? :D

Because security? I like BlackBerry KEYone anyway...

Yeah, knowing that my mails aren't all processed through Google or Apple is certainly also a bonus... though... I don't run my own BES so God only knows what happens on my cellphone providers Server.

It's all the same in the end. But I am still heartbroken than new BBs are just androids with mostly bloatware :(

Hahaha... come-on, don't blackberry-shame me :P

But really, I actually like the old BB OS so much. It does all I need and want from a phone. I've been looking for a potential replacement a few times over the years but always end up buying a new old 9900 or the spare parts I need. My phone gets treated badly, but this one does take quite a beating... so yeah, really the only thing lacking is a proper camera.

Hahaha that´s awesome!! Made my day start with a laugh! xD

I didn´t know you are a bot made for #GooglyEyes!
I was communicating with a GooglyBot all the time!
Stunning AI, so responsive and human! ;D

I think there's been a pretty humorous misunderstanding. Partly and my credit. (Now I use google compiler.) I apologize.
It was no harm. A lot of things have been cleared up.

No harm at all... tons of fun and a bunch of potential new friends!

Thanks for carrying the #GooglyEyes torch over to your #Cesky community!

At first, I was about to flag you for misusing our national tag #cesky.

You have my full upvote instead since you made my day :))

In case you'll visit Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, let me know. I treat you to a beer :)) One of our special ones.

hehehe, thanks mate... who knows, I might just come back to that offer one day :D

It's in the blockchain, the offer lasts forever :))

So since now you are publishing your posts in cesky, right? :-)) You will see how great community you ;ve just joined!! :-) Enjoy!

I'll have to thank @krakonos for that! It's too bad I don't speak Czech... but I'll get better at making sense of what Google translates for me.

You should! :-)) Its actually a lot o fun, reading what google offers as correct translation:-) If you accept the invitation to come to Prague, one beer is on me! :-))

That's my second free beer option in Prague... it's starting to get tempting!

We're not that generous, beer's just cheaper than water here. Seriously.

Just come and we'll take care about you :))

Prague is great place to be anyway (as the beer is not expensive at all) ! :-))

So you are really not a shoe? Darn :p

Gina is pretty coon indeed. I just have it for a few days set for new followers, unfollowers and resteems. That's what I have been missing on Steemit.

Yes, those notifications are a game changer... and no, I am sorry to disappoint... I'm not a shoe, LOL

Yea.. pity we have to use all kinds of sites and plugins and magic tricks to get the info that should be here.
Maybe one day...

One thing missing on Gina though. I would like to be able to choose whose upvotes to see.

It'll stay a hodgepodge of products that interact with the blockchain, but in a way that might be a good thing after all. At least we have options (to even build the tools we need ourselves, if it comes to that).

Do you use GINA to get notified about who upvoted you?! That's a lot of "noise", no? I just check https://www.steemnow.com for that, it's pretty convenient for checking incoming votes!

From the beginning I had only Follows, unfollows and resteems. But I noticed that upvotes also give the value of upvote. So I put them back on.

I like Steemnow and I have it open all the time. Its simple and fast and doesn't need refreshing :) And it gives accurate VP.

No, I do not believe you! Skynet rises!

Your neurons cannot compete with silicone... resistance is futile!

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