How to support the immune system?

in #immunity8 years ago

Today I'd like to talk with you on how to support the immune system.
Needless to say, medicine is not in place and there are many drugs and vitamins that contribute to this, but I'd like to talk about simple ways that are so necessary for our body.
How to support the immune system?

Garlic promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria that protect us from disease. It can be added to any dish, and is best consumed fresh, rubbed a crust of bread or to go with the soup. If you don't like garlic, just slice finely and arrange it in the room. They usually do in kindergarten.

  1. Sleep
    Me dad always says, sleep is the best medicine for the body. Sleeping less than 7 hours, the probability to catch a cold three times higher than those who sleep at least 8. Therefore, do not linger in front of the computer and be sure to relax, even at work.
  2. Bath
    If I had my way, I would go every day in the bath. Artificial fever ― a great workout for the immune system. For those who like water and heat, preferably at least once a month to visit bath.
  3. Tomatoes (2-5 pieces or 1 tbsp tomato paste)
    They will provide your body with lycopene. This is a valuable substance that promotes the production of new immune cells that are constantly dying in the fight against pathogenic bacteria. This was a problem in the winter to buy tomatoes, and now on the shelves you can find this vegetable at any time of the year.
  4. Fruit
    To vitaminiziruet need year-round, but especially in the spring. In fruits contains a lot of vitamins that are so essential to our body. Especially at this time beneficial to eat citrus fruits: oranges and lemons.
  5. Holidays
    So think about it and how the holidays can help to support the immune system?
    Stress increase to catch a cold five times, and therefore positive emotions are the best way to counter their damaging effects on our forces. Often arrange a holidays and may you always be in a good mood.
  6. Walking
    Daily Hiking in the fresh air have a beneficial effect on the human body. Air fills the cells of the necessary oxygen. On the street you are moving, the movement of this energy, which is so necessary for our immune system. Walk every day, and better twice a day.
  7. Sex (adults Only!)
    Sex. Those who do it 1-2 times a week, in the blood increases the content of immunoglobulins are special proteins that recognize and help destroy hiding in the body the infection.
    Tips on how to support the immune system, simple and accessible to everyone, so better to take care of it and not get sick at all.

I met a 90 year old man who made pickled garlic in vodka. He said he has a spoonful a day and never got sick in his life. Tastes like gasoline

Each is treated as can)))

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