I'm not afraid of the Mexicans.
I'm not afraid of the Mexicans.
Xenphobia is the rage in the nation and immigration is becoming a sticky situation. And those in power are deciding who must go and who will stay. Many are looking for away to remove our retain those who have decided to come to the USA, to make their way to see if the roads are paved with gold because they've been told if they work hard and smart they will have the part of the American pie, if they keep their eyes on the prize it will change their lives and increase their future enterprise.
Many Americans are crying how they are losing jobs to the foreigners that come here and industries that go far. Americans say it's unfair that they have been robbed of jobs but the odd thing is their work looks like it's been done by slobs. So they continue to sob and shed tears in their beers and live in fear when they here languages they don't understand so they demanded government to take a stand and kick out the Mexicans.
I'm here to tell you right now I'm not afraid of the Mexicans, the Dominicans, the Brazilians, the Canadians, the Indians. I don't care if they come from small islands or big cities there's plenty of room and I feel no impending doom, gloom and I don't need a broom to sweep out the foreigners but instead I put out the welcome mat.
I'm not afraid of the Mexicans, the Haitians, the Nigerians, the Italians, the Cambodians. Men and women should be free to be and let them float on boats, arrived on trains or fly on planes. I don't care if I can pronounce their names we are more the same then we are different. I'm not afraid of the Mexicans, the Ethiopians, the Jamaicans, the Croatians, the Russians. Let them eat their food's with exotic smells. Let them wear unique styles that can be seen for miles and I will have smiles for them.
See I'm not afraid of the Mexicans, the Egyptians, the Spaniards, the Kenyans, the British. Let them come with their faiths some familiar and some strange and let them worship in any gods name of their choosing. Let them practice,preach and proclaim religions of the regions where they come from but let us tolerate them as they tolerate us. As we grow in trust and not rush to judgement when we disagree but let us be in peace.
I'm not afraid of the Mexicans, the Germans, the Japanese, Chinese, the Viennese. Let them come in all shades and colors, black, white, brown, red and yellow and let us remember that we are fellow human beings in this struggle we call life. There needs to be no fights about physical features such as faces, bodies and hair cause only a fool would care or dare to talk about such trivial things. I'm not afraid of the Mexicans anymore than the New Mexicans, the Texans, the Tennesseans, the Californians cause what our borders but imaginary lines that were drawn in past times. To divide instead of unify that magnifies problems instead of proving solutions.
Let products from other places and people from other spaces to freely cross and if not there will be many a loss. So let there be free-trade or there would be expensive wars so let's open the doors and explore the world and let world explore us. Don't get mad at the Mexicans but stand against the government with it's centralized plans and demands over lines they drew in the sands. It's the cost of doing business such as taxes, inflation and regulations that created this crazy situation to why businesses go away. The ones that stay will hire workers for less pay to keep in play to live to fight another day. Again I'm not afraid of the Mexicans, cause it's the politicians I can't stand.
J WooX the SoapboX
I am not afraid of the rule of law - and that rule of law says if you aren't in the United States legally, you need to leave before you're deported.
Immigration is only moving. Get rid of the welfare that in includes government education and government handouts. Then if someone wants to move it is on them to make. There is enough room in America.
A nation which refuses to enforce its own laws cannot remain sovereign. Illegal colonizers have no place in a nation of law.
Nations don't have laws people do. Individual should be sovereign not a bunch of politicians and paper pushers. End welfare for all people. Punish those who violate the rights of others. Defend natural law property rights.
Nonsense. Nations make laws with the consent of the governed. On the one hand you suggest illegals should be welcomed...yet wish to "those who violate the rights of others." Illegal colonizers violate the rights of citizens. Documented VISA violators violate the rights of citizens.
Nations don't make laws. A small group of people in government make laws. How is a person not on the government aid not violating others, working spending how are they violating anyone's natural rights?
The government is just a group of people. There should be no government property all property should be owned by someone. Then if a person doesn't like a particular group they can discriminate, but others can do it back to them.