*Tocando un poco el instrumento mas importante en la lo que nuestra musica llanera @elcaporal35
De la familia del arpa, tiene 32 o 33 cuerdas de diferentes calibres y organizadas en la escala musical según el grosor y carece de pedales para lograr las alteraciones. Regularmente es construida en cedro, pino y otras maderas resistentes. Se utiliza laca transparente en su pintura para que no pierda sonoridad. Es ejecutada en la música llanera. Sin embargo con la evolución de la música existen nuevas tendencias aplicando este instrumento en fusiones de música pop, salsa y otros géneros foráneos.
The llanera harp is a diatonic string instrument created in Europe, widespread in the Venezuelan plains region. The Colombian plains arrived in 1960, under the influence of the harpist Apureños, a city bordering Colombia. It was used since the arrival of the Spanish conquerors through religious missions to spread the Catholic religion through music.
Of the family of the harp, it has 32 or 33 strings of different calibers and organized in the musical scale according to the thickness and lacks pedals to achieve the alterations. It is regularly built in cedar, pine and other hardwoods. Transparent lacquer is used in your painting so that it does not lose loudness. It is played in llanera music. However with the evolution of music there are new trends applying this instrument in fusions of pop music, salsa and other foreign genres.