What is this headcold and cough that is surging in the U.S.?
It’s not any of the usual suspects. Physicians seem to not know if it’s a virus. The cough lasts for weeks.
Anyone know the organism and any details? Is it a threat to immunocompromised people? Is it related to the thing dogs are getting hit with?
It’s running through most of the people I know. Inside a household, it leaps from person to person with slow incubation, so it takes two months to work through a family of four. It seems highly contagious, infecting even when precautions are taken. It’s cost folks I know tens of thousands of dollars in canceled trips, and extended hotel isolations. It is keeping elderly people isolated.
COVID is not quite the same.
US has about 2 million new cases a week, with hot spots in LA and NY. So what is that, like 12 million contagious people concurrently? 3%
This other thing is worrying me more, in a way.