Something is wrong with me - health stuff rant

in #illness5 years ago (edited)

Disclaimer: This post is an unedited rant / freewrite / thought dump about health issues, some feminine issues, and unpleasant descriptions. This post is mostly an attempt on my behalf to put the content of my brain right now into text. And what better place to dump it all than the blockchain?

Something is wrong with me.

In the past few months, every menstruation comes with new and "exciting" special effects that feel like an extended panic attack or really bad food poisoning.

How special are these effects? Well, I wake up nauseous 2 hours before my alarm and instantly become covered in sweat as heat and cold waves begin to wash over me. Next, I run to the bathroom because I feel like I have diarrhea and need to throw up at the same time. Like my body is trying to push EVERYTHING out. I throw up and that's when the shaking and convulsions start. It looks like I have high fever combines with some neurological disorder.

Everything hurts. Especially distressing is the feeling of my arms burning as though they've been dipped in some acid. Imagine having goose-bumps for hours after getting a really nasty sunburn. It's hellish.

I feel so tired it hurts. Keeping my eyes open is nearly impossible, and even simple tasks and thinking processes are excruciatingly hard, like there's a huge black fog over everything. I have no choice but to go back to bed.

At this point I lay down and continue to shake, convulse and sweat profusely. I whimper and moan as I drift in and out of what one can perhaps call "sleep". When I get nauseous again, I get up and throw up, drink some water, and go back to bed. This cycle continues for about 4-8 hours, exhausting me and causing my throat to bleed from the excessive vomiting of water.

Around two PM (14:00) I gradually become human again. The shaking stops and the nausea goes away. I can keep my eyes open and think. I can eat, drink, leave the house and work.

The Fuck, Body?

This is obviously hormonal, but it feels like a panic attack (not to be confused with anxiety attack) that is purely physical. I am not overly worried about anything, not anxious, and generally happy. Until my body does this bullshit.

So I just got off the phone with my doctor, with @mrlightning sitting in his office. He thinks it's panic attacks, and prescribed the same benzos in drops he prescribes to children with PTSD from terrorist attacks, but agreed that we should rule out other conditions and check my hormone levels to be on the safe side.

At this moment, he is printing out a pile of referrals to blood tests, urine tests, and a whole other array of tests to check my systems. It's kinda like running an antivirus on your PC once in a while if it starts to lag. I hope it all comes back okay, and I'll just go back to blaming this torment on my defective nervous system.

If you've read thus far, you're a real friend (or masochist) so thank you.


I'm here for you. Just wish there was more I could do :(

This sucks, I'm so sorry you're having to go through this. Mentally giving you a massive bear hug.

A natural remedy I've used before that's hormone balancing is Maca root. It's usually a powder that you can just add to smoothies and shit, or can come in capsules. Maybe something you can look into?

Please take care of yourself, Love you lots <3

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I am scared to fuck around with my hormones before I have a very clear picture of what's up. Hence the thick pile of referrals on my desk. Socialized medicine is nice.

I miss you. I have that purple little bottle of RX on my desk to remind me of you all the time. <3

Another one to look up Maca root!
Copaiba is highly recommended. So is CBD oil, but only in large strengths - 3600 vs the meager 250 mg dose I paid too much for (70 dollars; highway robbery!). Chiropractors and physiatrists (not to be confused with shrinks, psy-chia-trist), often sell higher strengths for far less money than the stores charge.
What we eat (or do not eat!) and the herbal supplements can help greatly.
Good luck! (Off to see more @redrica posts...)

Not a masochist, but I feel your pain. Hang in there and see if you can get to the bottom of it.

And geez, you just had to write such evocative words... Talk about vicarious.

Get well soon, pink!

So, do you take the contraceptive pill? I've heard of horrible reactions when the body randomly decides to reject it. I don't take it, so I woulrn't know. Another possibility, would be diet, so I'd suggest checking in with a nutritionist. As for alleviating symptoms, when I feel nauseous, I take oil of oregano c93, orally. 2 drops in some water, be sure to stir it before, and I swish too, because it can irritate the throat. But within minutes I feel better.

It's very strange, but your body is obviously going through something and pain and sickness is it usually screaming at us. It's hard to tell what might be thee matter here. It seems to indicate the reproductive system. I hope it's nothing serious, or anything like early menopause. It could be as simple as a reaction to a pill or nutrition that affects your period.

Best of luck finding the cause and the solution. I hope you feel better. /hugs

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Not on the pill. Might be my poly-cystic ovaries making a comeback no one wants. Yeah, I got a lot of tests to do.

Thank you! <3

Ooh, my sister got a cyst once. I hope it's not that. And if it is, I hope you get well soon.

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This sounds absolutely horrible :-/ Panic attacks triggered by something from inside the body? It doesn't ring a bell with my so not 'well meant advise' from me here. Just hope you find out what causes it and can find something to resolve it with.

Good luck with your tests. Those symptoms sound horrible. Hope treatment is straightforward and not too invasive.

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Sorry to hear that. I hope you haven't been working excessively... you know stress (the really low-level stress you don't even notice, silently creeping up on you) being one of the top reasons for various health issues. Hope you feel better soon and best wishes!

I'm sad to hear this. Hope they don't stuff you with pharmaceutical poison. Maybe CBD could help?

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I am on government licensed medical cannabis and CBD from Europe. Not helping. I hate taking medications and the cannabis has been my pain management tool for a few years now.

have you tried holistic healing?

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About a decade ago. Integrative holistic medicine. Cost a lot. Made me lose weight. That's about it.

What about the Wim Hof method?

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Never heard of it. What is it and how much will it cost me?

It will cost you a lot of discipline and willing to change everything in your life. From the way you breathe, eat, think and even take showers.

But you will gain conscious control of your immune system.

Here's a brief introduction to who is Wim Hof and inside there's a link to the method.

However if you don't feel like shelling out 250 USD, you can torrent the whole video course.

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This sounds like how I would not like to start my day :(

I hope you can find the root cause and get yourself on the mend.

Amen. No on deserves to start their day like that.

Oh big hug, hopefully you soon find the cause of these attacks, I think medicine is a bit like programming, a lot of try and error before you find the bugs 😄 get well soon 😘

I suspect it's a hardware issue. :(

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