Extra Oil ( Mathew 25:1-3)

Hello friends welcome to my blog. Let's talk about the efficacy of extra oil in our lives today.

Watch therefore for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the son of man cometh --- Mathew 25:13 kjv.

Extra; means having more than is due, usual or necessary.  To have extra (oil) is Paramount in our lives today. An engine with little or no oil breaks down and stops moving or working effective. Until you Gage oil to the engine. When  a lady goes to the market with extra money, she can't get stucked by sudden price hike of goods. 

This extra oil will help you go far in every journey you embark on. The kingdom of God is likend to the Ten virgins. It's meant for the prepared hearts, the ready minds. In Mathew 25; the The Ten virgins were sub- divided into two (2) quadrants. This; (1) The Wise and (2) The Foolish.

The first five, who were designated to be WISE, went with extra oil to carry them all through the night, while the other five we're said to be FOOLISH ones. Because the arrived with no extra oil in their jars to fill their lamps. At midnight, the cry rang out , " Here's the Bridegroom! Come out to meet him!" Then, all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps.

The foolish ones said to the wise ones, " Give us some of your oil, our lamps are going out!" "NO!", They replied, " It may not be enough for both of us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourself."

But, while they were on their way to buy oil, the Bridegroom arrived. The Virgins who were ready went in with him to the Banquet and the Door was shut. Later, the Foolish virgins came, saying, "Sir, Sir, open the door for us!" But, he replied, "I tell you the truth, I do not know you." Verse 6-12.

Listen, the Bridegroom in this context is Jesus Christ who is coming again, to take to himself the ready and prepared church; "You and I." To his kingdom in heaven. When he shall come, will he find you on the track or path of righteousness? Or, would you have derailed in search of the things of this world?

Search your hearts now, if you will be raptured when he shall come to take the saints. If, the answer is No, please, repent. Prepare your heart now, for tomorrow may be too late.


Awesome God, behold the children today who are  facing difficult situations that have made them derail from the path of righteousness. Please, draw them back to yourself. Jesus help our weaknesses in this perilous time, filled with stupendous crisis. Make us fit for rapture when you shall come to take the ready (righteous) ones. In Jesus mighty name, Amen!.

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