What is ijmb and what you need to know about it
IJMB – What you need to know
IJMB Exam|FAQS And All You Should Know About IJMB Exam April ’16
BY DanEssien · APRIL 16, 2018
What amazes me is the fact that there are so many people who graduates from secondary school and yet still doesnt know certain things they are expected to know. lets take for example, there are so mnay people that doesnt know anything about jamb, waec, ijmb.. as the case might imply.
I have decided to use this platforn to talk on one of this things. Today i shall be speaking on IJMB.
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click here to see how to score 300 and above in jamb
About IJMB
If there is a solution to solve all of Nigerian Students admission challenges, trust me, they will all embrace it.
Either one of JAMB or Post UTME has been the issue from time immemorial.
Its has been the story of passing JAMB and Not succeeding in Post UTME or Failing JAMB and no opportunity to write Post UTME for some students.
Revealing Facts About IJMB Exam
IJMB is moderated by ABU Zaria. It was designed to solve students admission challenges into top Nigerian Universities without the normal JAMB route.
More so, it is a ritual that IJMB conducts it exam February very year in selected centers such as Polytechnics and colleges of Education.
Most Importantly, one of the benefits of this exam is that results arrive in a shorter time for admission screening.
After examination success, students are expected to purchase a Direct Entry form from JAMB office. This DE form is what the candidates will use to apply to any school of their choice.
List of successful students will be shortlisted when JAMB begins to give students admission.
Likewise, candidates who do not have English Language and Mathematics in their O’Level could also opt for the IJMB O’ Level certificate. This can cover for the deficiency.
The number of subject a student can register for is three(3) with respect to their chosen field.
IJMB also uses normal grading system.
5 points are awarded for an A grade which is equivalent to a score of 70-100
A B us awarded for a score of 60-69 equivqlent to 4 points
A C is awarded for a score of 50-59 equivalent to 3 points
D is awarded for a score of 45-49 equivalent to 3 points
A E is awarded for a score of 40-44 equivalent to a single points
An F is awarded for a score of 39 equivalent to no point.
As an experiment, if you put in for 3 courses say mathematics, chemistry and biology and scored a grade of A,B and C respectively, this means you have a total of 12 points. You grab right?
Frequently asked Questions About IJMB
As you are already aware, there are numerous questions that come to mind when you hear IJMB. Nevertheless, the good part of it is that we are going to see all possible questions about IJMB exam and treat them in order.
IJMB, What does it mean?
What type of examination does IJMB undertake?
Subjects I can study
Duration of the IJMB programme?
Which universities accept accepts IJMB”s Mode of entry?
Please tell me about their examinations and assignments
When can i sit for IJMB exam?
What are the requirements?
Is it recognised by the Nigerian Government and other educational bodies?
Benefits Of IJMB
General Information
Contact Information
Therefore, without wasting our precious time, you and I are going to walk through this carefully. You ready? ok lets go
IJMB, What Does It Mean?
IJMB stands for Interim Joint Matriculation Board. It conducts standard examination tests and examinations in various fields.
What’s more important is that IJMB has had growing personality over the years. Moreover, it has had for itself both local and global recognition.
Likewise, the board has offices in several parts of the country.
What Type Of Examination does IJMB under take?
IJMB conducts both ordinary and advanced level examinations. It is very useful for admissions into higher institutions.
Furthermore, the exam comes up twice annually in March and September.
Although their examination centers cover only North East, South and North Central Nigeria.
They accept new schools that want to be part of this amazing development.
What Subjects Can I study?
Like i have said earlier, the exam covers both ordinary and advanced levels.
This means that students can choose the option they want before enrolling for it.
IMPORTANT:- IJMB O’Level exam is equivalent to either Neco or WAEC O’level qualification. Also, the IJMB A level is equivalent to the Cambridge A level qualification.
IJMB prepares candidates for a wide range of A level subjects.
What Is The Duration Of The IJMB Program?
The duration for A level program is 12 months. Although, if you want to take both A level and O level, it is advisable to spend more time.
Which Universities Accepts IJMB Modes Of Entry
This is probably one of the most important frequently asked questions.
This is because it will not be useful to discuss all these when no university can accept it the mode of entry.
The good news here is that a lot of universities have already accepted while more will still accept it as time goes by.
The list below shows the updated list of universities which accept this mode of entry. As it is my usual practice, my university will go first (lol).
University of Benin
All private Universities
University of Uyo
Ahmadu Bello University
University of Calabar
Rivers state University of Science and Technology
University of Abuja
Delta State University
University of Ado Ekiti
Cross River state University of Science and Technology
University of Porthacourt
Kwara State University
University of Ibadan
Alhikmah University
University of Jos
Benue State University
Kogi state University
Please Tell Us about their Examinations and Assignments
Their examinations are grouped into two
Continous Assessment
Continous Assessment carries 40% of the total of 100% while Examinations carries 60% of the total marks for an exam.
When Can I Sit For IJMB Exam?
You can sit for the exam In February or March of each year.
What Are The Requirements?
All exams have requirements and IJMB is not different. Te requirements include
Certificate Of State Of Origin
12 Passports
O’ Level result obtained in a Maximum of two sittings and finally,
Birth certificate.
You can for the purpose of Doubt check the most recent JAMB brochure to confirm the authenticity of IJMB.
Is IJMB Recognised By The Nigerian Governemt And Other Educational Bodies?
Just like I have said above, you can check the most recent JAMB brochure to confirm its authenticity.
Now moving on to the most important question, it is registered in line with the existing laws of the Federal Government of Nigeria.
Furthermore, they have been registered under the following objects;
To provide an effective alternative and opportunities for out of school candidates and school drop outs to study.
Likewise to take the IJMB for the purpose of being better prepared to;
Enter the employments markets for better Jobs
Take advantage of opportunity of admission to tertiary and higher educational institutions both within and outside Nigeria towards self fulfillment and National development.
To operate in Nigeria as a sister examination body to the existing outfits
Take cue from past experience of the existing examination bodies in Nigeria and the far overseas. This is to put in place appropriate measures to combat, contain and eliminate the rampant incidence of existing examination malpractices in order to restore public confidence and credibility for public examinations.
To enter into arrangements with any federal Ministry of Education, recognized polytechnics, Universities or institutions in Nigeria for the purpose of conducting tests or examinations in the INTERIM for the admissions into tertiary institutions in Nigeria.
Benefits Of IJMB
There are so many benefits of taking this exam. In fact, it has saved the educational career of many students.
This is usually because JAMB and Post UTME comes with a lot of unexpected performance at times.
Nevertheless, lets quickly see some of the benefits.
It therefore completely removes JAMB and Post UTME hurdle
Awaiting Results are allowed to enrol
IJMB candidates are equivalent of JAMB direct Entry candidates
It has a very rich and comprehensive syllabus
It showcases an intensive and effective academic lectures and coaching tutorials
Like i have said earlier, it allows deficiency in O’Level English or Mathematics.
Although, these may not be the only benefits but the ones listed here are really amazing. Before I forget, IJMB resut and certificate has no expiry date. Therefore, you should really consider it.
General Information
Lets us quickly see this from the angle of acceptance of candidates with IJMB qualifications into Various Institutions.
It is an International examination body which has spread to the nook and crannies of the world with;
Registrations from various departments of Education
Registrations for Ministries of Education
The certificates are of International recognition
Furthermore, we do not expect any institution or establishment to turn our certificate down for any reason.
The IJMB is listed as the basic entry requirements by various boards in various countries and institutions.