RE: Locked or unlocked | Enslaved or un-enslaved
Hmm, nice quote and so damned true.
Unfortunately some will never unplug from the Matrix preferring the default life that governments, corporations and media feed them. It's a plague. Still, that's their choice. They find comfort in the false feeling they get when their Facebook post gets a like and when their Instagram selfie finally gets a comment...Tragic, but that's their journey, not ours right? 😊
Personal tragedy can be a great motivator (or de-motivator) yes. It's the person who makes the choice to be one or the other. It seems you made that choice and are/will rise because if it.
Again, thanks for jumping in and commenting. I'm always pleased when what I write resonates with someone. I'm a small account so don't get much exposure so when someone actually digs what I say well...Makes me feel good. Legit. So thanks. 🙂
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Funny you mention the Matrix (my best friend today reminded me for the 10 millionth time that I should watch it:P shame on me for being an anti movie and tv person:P)
Absolutely agree. What can I say, they don't have the awareness to wake up from fantasy land;) and oh... they love the good dopamine hits that these platforms give them 😉
It's sincerely my pleasure! Small account? You kidding me?:P You are killing it with that 69 rep!!!
Number is just a number... To be honest your content has so much value... like a lot!:P
Keep it up!:)
Thanks for your kind words on my content. I post about a lot of varied things I guess and not everyone will love it all but still, it's just a reflection of the true me so why portray someone I'm not by conforming with my post content? 😉
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I’m an anti conformist myself 😏 we’re vibing on the same frequency💫 love it!!
We have a bit in common then. If you look at my blog you'll see I wrote about and do a lot of different stuff but an enduring theme is my desire to find enlightenment and to live the best version of my life possible; Be the best version of myself as often as possible. I hit the mark sometimes and others not so much. I'm human. (Well, I'm actually from another planet but shh...Don't tell anyone.) 🤣
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