IFC S2E1 - The Universe

in #ifc6 years ago

My entry for the Information Finding Championship Round 2 is an abstract thought about the Universe. Though it is written somewhat definitively as a statement, the entire article is meant to be posed as a philosophical question. I hope you enjoy the thought.

What If…..

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the way that we think about god is all wrong? What if instead of God being a personified deity that has dominion over its creation, it is actually a singular force of energy that not only makes up the universe but also permeates through it? Like consciousness permeating through the mind a singular force of energy that I am referring to as god, permeates through the universe.

The belief that separate objects exist in our reality is actually all just an illusion. It is a powerful and elaborate figment of our imagination that is created by our own mind and held in place by language and thought. But beyond the illusion a singular energy exists – god.

God is an energy that simultaneously creates itself and experiences itself, much like a dream. Dreams are both created and experienced by the dreamer instantly, at the same time.

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This singular force of energy, again that I am referring to as “god,” has created an infinite network of data input sources in order for it to experience itself. We humans refer to these input sources as “the senses” which are housed within conscious beings or living organisms such as humans, animals, plants, bacterium…etc. These conscious entities take in data in order to allow god to continuously experience and interact with itself.

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In this way, living beings are actually just filters.

God is a singular force of energy, a “wave function” of infinite potential 1 that has the power to implement any change imaginable and to make anything possible. However, living beings (organisms) act as filters which are meant to continuously collapse the wave function of infinite potential, in order to create the finite reality which we experience and survive in, in the present moment of time

The wave function collapses because of the conscious awareness of all living beings.

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Though each individual organism collapses the wave function and creates their own reality, an objective reality is maintained by the collective expectation that things will remain the same after each preceding moment. This is why reality is both subjective as well as objective, and why there are finite discrepancies between the subjective experiences of the individuals who make up this reality. In this way, reality is largely just an agreement that is maintained by the minds of those who are interacting with it.

If it weren’t for conscious beings collapsing the wave function, there would be only chaos – an infinite potential with no direction.



Things would pop into existence and disappear immediately or objects might shift with each passing moment. Subjective conscious beings, cannot exist in such a state, so they need to collectively maintain and uphold an agreed upon reality. As such, one individual organism does not have the power to change the system of reality that is currently set in place to any major degree. This allows for change to happen within reality but in a manner that allows life (or consciousness) to continue to exist. The conscious beings of the universe must continue to survive so that the singular force of energy that I am referring to as god, can continue to experience and interact with itself. As such, change is slow, finite and at time unnoticeable. Nonetheless, change occurs in small increments continuously.

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Evolution may be the process of the collapsing wave function on a grand scale happening over vast periods of time. The changes to the organisms that exist within the world at a current moment of time (i.e. dinosaurs to humans), represent the experiment and maintenance of the collective god - self.

Ultimately, the universe is a singular energy. The universe is god.

IFC: The Beginning of a Story

The IFC crew, housed within its city aboard its spaceship, travel through the universe. Acting as voyagers, they travel through space to explore the parts of themselves that are most unknown and which have up until this point in time, remained hidden. They seek to learn more about the singular force of energy that they have come to recognize as god. With open curiosity, their search begins. Where it will lead, they do not yet know.

Thanks for Reading

Footnote 1. “Wave function” refers to the idea in quantum mechanics that particles of physical matter exist as a wave of infinite probability until they are observed by a conscious awareness, at which point they collapse into a particle with a finite outcome. See the “Double slit experiment” for further understanding.

I have often wondered if we are in fact just dreamt up by this singular force of energy that you refer as god. If that's the case all of the worries we have are non-existent and we should just continue on in this dream and see what beautiful things we can find along the way. Who knows why we were placed here, whether a figment of imagination or creation, either way, there are so many questions that will never be answered at least while we are playing a part in this wonderfully strange universe!

I enjoyed reading your post and it has brought some interesting points to the forefront. Thank you for your awesome entry and I hope to learn more from you in the upcoming rounds.

Yeah. This is not to say that there is not a dualistic nature or quality to life. Naturally the individual organism needs to care about survival and act in a way that protects its survival. But what you are alluding to, which I agree with, is the question of whether that dualistic state is just an illusion. Whether the larger picture is one of singularity in which case, nothing really matters including our suffering. It's interesting to ponder.

Thanks for the comment :)

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A nice post and entry, also the comment by apolymask, and your response, they add to the balance of the post. I am not sure how I feel about being dreamed into existence, but then again, not sure how I exist at all, so dreammaker made me real, I can live with that sort of thought I guess.

Thank you. I'm glad that you enjoyed it. Your feelings of uncertainty are understandable. The idea I am talking about is quite abstract and probably a bit "out there" hahaha.

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Hello @leaky20, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Thanks for the support!

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Bravo! Well thought out article. You seem to have an excellent grasp of quantum mechanics. Is that a picture of Schrödinger’s cat?

Thanks. Well, I dont understand the mathematics of quantum mechanics but I understand some of the ideas like entanglement and quantum waves. When I originally watched a video on the double slit experiment I found it incredibly fascinating and began researching more on it. Haha yeah the cat is a bit of a hat tip to schrodinger. Nice catch :)

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We are in the same boat. I don't understand the mathematics either but I'm tremendously fascinated by the facts presented by quantum mechanics.

How is it that we can pinpoint the exact position of a particle in space OR measure the speed at which a particle is traveling through space but NOT both at the same time?

How did we determine that creating a change on one particle can cause another particle across the universe to have an equal but opposite effect? What kind of scope do we use for that?

I used to go the library and check out audio books and I once listened to Stephen Hawkings "Universe In A Nutshell" in it's entirety. All of the words were in English but the sentences themselves were NOT.

Yes I wonder the same things, especially the quantum entanglement. Its fascinating but confusing. I've had the same issue with trying to read Stephen Hawking's books. Quite challenging

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My thoughts on the nature of existence are pretty much in line with this. I've often articulated that I believe in energy rather than a specific deity or deities. Energy is all around us - it's where we come from and where our collective consciousness returns to. It's interesting, although not at all surprising, to find others arriving at the same conclusion. The idea of everything being part of one energy explains pretty much everything that has ever happened in the world no matter how otherwise miraculous it seems.

Best of luck in the contest!


We are definitely surrounded by energy and will return to it. Everything is a part of a singular energy.

Best of luck to you as well!!!

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I was always fascinated by the concept of Pantheism and I think it correlates with this a little bit. Thanks for sharing. it definitely made my brain think deeply into the universe, and that is always enjoyable

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I was just introduced to the idea of pantheism - or the term at least by @apolymask. I'm glad you liked the it. Thanks for the comment :)

Posted using Partiko Android

It was a pleasure reading this article and all of the insightful comments.

Organisms being a filter for waves of energy (god) is very thought provoking. It seems quite plausible (due to it using wave theory and the fact that energy cannot be created or destroyed) and I find it quite uplifting and inspirational to think of the universe in this way.

Awesome. Glad you liked it. Thanks for the comment:)

Posted using Partiko Android

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