Just Be Considerate - IFC - S1:R30 entry; Spotlighting the Most Important Thing

in #ifc6 years ago

Whenever I find myself in public I am always amazed at how many people seem to have a complete lack of disregard for others. Almost daily I find myself in a store where someone finds it acceptable to turn their cart sideways in the middle of the store and stand in the one spot that would allow me to get past them. And don’t even get me started with standing in the check out line. People will often carry on lengthy conversations with the cashier or vice versa not even noticing that I’m standing there patiently waiting to pay for my can of Beef-A-Roni. Worse yet, some customers want to complain to the cashier about certain store policies as if said cashier actually had any kind of say in the store policy. In what world do cashiers have that much power? How many times have you heard it, “Why don’t you double my coupons like they do in Kentucky? You should change that policy right now.” I mean seriously people give it a rest, the poor guy cashing you out is already being forced to ask you if you want to sign up for the store reward card, donate to the applicable charity of the month and give you a 3 minute diatribe on how you can win $500 just by taking the survey at the bottom of the receipt. This not only extends to shopping but daily life in public can sometimes be so stressful. From the lady who leaves her car door open to fumble through her purse when you’re trying to park next to her to the guy who you let it front of you on the escalator who just stands there (dammit dude, why didn’t you tell me you were a STANDER?). Many people just seem so oblivious to the world and other people around them.

When I go out in public I always do my utmost best to be considerate of those around me. When shopping, I pull my cart to the side of the aisle while checking how much sodium there is in a can of Spam. When I see others do this we nod at each other as we pass by knowing that we live in a better and more peaceful world than our aisle blocking brethren.

2015-03-25 11.28.18.jpg

When you find yourself going out later today or tomorrow, or any day for that matter, be considerate of those around you and most importantly treat everyone with KINDNESS

Authors notes:

  1. Neither Beef-A-Roni nor Spam (both probably owned by the same company) are sponsors of this post.

  2. Clicking on the word KINDNESS links to a post by @har5h who is a fellow #informationfindingchannel member and wrote a wonderful post about kindess.

  3. The picture used for this post was taken by wife shortly after I had thrown out my back. We were at the grocery store and she was NOT being very considerate of my inability to defend myself from being the subject of an embarassing picture. Please note how I have pulled the wheely cart to the side so as not to be a hindrance to my fellow man.


@jbreheny, first of all, thanks so much for the shout out. That's how we should be doing things in the #ifc. Great way to lead by example, man!
Second, great post. Self-centered-ness, and just being selfish in general, is a terrible plague in western culture (especially in the US). I'm not a global traveler, so I cannot speak to the rest of the world. Keep at it, man. We can #bethechange, and help make the world just a bit better!

Our culture has been known for its self centered behaviours for sure, and as you stated #bethechange to make the world and @ifc a better place to be!!!

Thank you @har5h. I like how was I able to tie your post into mine. I was about halfway through my post when I had to go back into the IFC post to make sure I was on the right track, it was then I noticed your post and almost, not quite but almost changed my tack. Thank you again for the kind words.

Definitely all in kindness!!!! Love the humor! Who knows maybe spam and beefaroni will start sponsoring soon!!!

That would be great, I could use some Spam and Beef-A-Roni checks. lol

Couldn't we all!! Lol that would be epic!

More like SPAMtastic.

Good post man, I hate it when people do that, I always obey the unwritten law that shopping carts are cars. Stay on the right side, unless you are a slowpoke. lol, Some people just don't have common sense.

It's not even common sense it's just a complete disregard for your fellow human being. This behavior unfortunately extends into so many other things. It really just boils down to having manners. Thank you for the reading. Now, if I can just find the milk!

Being considerate does seem pretty rare these days doesn't it! If only people just respected others more, the world would be such a better place! But for some reason there's this "king of the hill" sort of mentality that is just overwhelming, especially in the US. I definitely think that's one of the biggest issues in the world and could even extinct us some day if we're not careful.. So definitely something to think about! Thanks for another great entry!

On the flip side though if we choose to focus on the great side of things we will notice people being awesome too. It just seems harder and harder to notice these sometimes.

Agreed, days are stressful enough and its harder if you have these people making you even more stressed
As the saying goes
Wish we could turn back time to the good old days when our mamas tuck us to sleep but now were stressed out😂😂😂
I dont know why i even said that

Lol. That’s great. The first few times I heard that song I thought he was singing “To the good dope days”.

Correction i just remembered the song said when our mamas SANG us to sleep
I wrote when our mamas tuck us to sleep😂

Maybe that singer just mumbles or under enunciates too much for either of us to understand all the words.

This was tough to judge all of the entries were great but in my opinion yours did it the best also sort of bias since i agree more to your statements because if we took an example
Like japan look at everyone there they all stay on one side of the escalator to let other people walk up on the other lane another example if your in a train/subway in japan people dont sneeze chew gum talk using the phone everyone there is considerate to one another and look how they have become the worlds most advance countries anyway i vote for you good luck!

Thank you @xomegax. My oldest son spent some time in Japan last year and he was amazed at just how considerate everyone was. I’m not sure I could deal with all of that bowing though. 😂

Oh yeah they have so much respect to visitors too i havent been there yet but i would like to go there sometime

::bows deeply::

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