Idiot flat earther
Centrifugal force is a measure of rotations x time.
Why do I bother with these Turdtastic idiots who don't have the reasoning abilities to understand basic things but they believe themselves educated, they try to compare the g-forces of a merry-go-round with the earth and think that because the earth is revolving once a day it's comparable to a merry-go-round spinning you at 10000 times a day. He also confuses the fact that the earth in one rotation covers vast distances and thinks that by all logic since a merry-go-round barely has a circumference hundreds of thousands smaller than the earth that means the centrifugal force of the earth would be that much greater, as if centrifugal force is about how fast you go. In a car, taking a slight turn to one side at a million miles per minute the centrifugal force won't be as noticeable as in a car going 25 mph and taking a sudden turn. Idiots.
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So are you saying that gravity on a flat earth is believed to come from centrifugal force? My brain's hurting trying to figure out how this would work...
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No, I am saying that comparing the centrifugal force (g forces) of something doing One Rotation A Day (rpd) with the centrifugal force of something doing several RPM (rotations per minute) and thinking that the force is comparable is stupid. It's also stupid to mistake speed (distance covered by rotation) with increase in G force.
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It's okay, I found the conversation you were referring to! They were on about the globe spinning us off weren't they? I thought it was an explanation of flat earth gravity. XD I'm picturing those spinning plates now.
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