Diagnosis of disease in the foot joints and hand
Diagnosis of disease in the foot joints ..
A. Joint Pain
i) Heat. Shows there are cuts in the joints and signs of gout disease (gout).
ii) No feeling of heat Signs of sickness (rheumatism).
iii) Pain in the shoulder. The marking of blood vessels has become hard and the metabolic functions are out of balance.
B. HANDLING HAND: Blood flow at the top of the body is not smooth.
C LEFT HAND AND SLEEP: Signs of weakness or heart disease. If the numbness becomes painful in the arm and remains there, this indicates a heart attack may occur.
D. FOOTWEAR: Blood flow at the bottom of the body is not smooth.
E. SICKNESS FEET: Indicates weak kidney. Usually caused by lack of exercise and sitting too long.
F. TUMIT FOOTS: Indicates weakness of genital function.
G. HEALTH IN THE FOOTWEAR: balancing renal function due to weak inner energy.
H. GATAL IN RIGHT FINGER: Indicates early signs of rotten leg disease
Sakit Sendi
i) Rasa panas. Menunjukkan ada luka di bagian sendi tersebut dan tanda penyakit pirai (gout).
ii) Tidak rasa panas Tanda-tanda sakit lenguh (rheumatism).
iii) Sakit di bagian bahu. Menandai saluran darah telah menjadi keras dan fungsi metabolisme tidak seimbang.
B. KEBAS TANGAN: Aliran darah di bagian atas tubuh tidak lancar.
C KEBAS TANGAN KIRI DAN LENGAN: Tanda-tanda lemah atau sakit jantung. Jika rasa kebas menjadi sakit di bagian lengan dan tetap di sana, ini menandakan serangan sakit jantung mungkin terjadi.
D. KEBAS KAKI: Aliran darah di bagian bawah tubuh tidak lancar.
E. SAKIT TAPAK KAKI: Menandakan ginjal lemah. Biasanya disebabkan oleh kurangnya latihan dan duduk terlalu lama.
F. SAKIT TUMIT KAKI: Menunjukkan kelemahan fungsi alat kelamin.
G. RASA PANAS DI TAPAK KAKI: penyeimbangan fungsi ginjal akibat lemah tenaga batin.
H. GATAL DI CELAH-CELAH JARI KAKI: Menunjukkan tanda awal penyakit kaki busuk