Steemit Ideology - What Makes Steemit a great investment and why you should not care about STEEM Price! Also Reason why Warren Buffett should be on Steemit instead of Sipping on Coke

in #ideology7 years ago

Hello Steemit Community,
It's actually my Birthday! Born on the 3rd October which is today and I Received some Birthday Money.

Besides me celebrating my Birthday , Let's Celebrate Steemit Achievement so Far!
Steemit has just reached 100,000 Registered Users couple of days ago, something we shall be proud of but also set aside because we haven't even come close to the milestone which is aiming for.

Waking up this morning, i had to quite a thought to myself and just feel writing for some reason.
Since i have some spare money on me, i'm wondering what to do with it ! Maybe i should Invest it into something else to make more of it! So this leave me with several questions and thoughts, what should I invest in and how do i exactly know much return ill get back?

Unlike most Projects out there where early investors get the biggest slice of the pie, your Steemit Investment will grow over time! Why do i say this ? Well, think about it what makes an investment great ? ofcourse you'll say profit but that's not how it works.

Let's think about this way, when you invest in a typical stock, what is your expected return ? The answer to that is , we don't know! Because almost all types of investment opportunities out there have risk, which is uncertainty. It would be great to find an investment which promises you an exact guaranteed return, there is one that is popular, which is your Bank Interests! But today's Low Interests, high inflation and our volatile Markets , it is hard to determine whether your investment will pay off!

What are some of the most popular Investment made by the General Public ?

A house - Most people will purchase a house, it could be your next place or an investment where you hope to sell your property at a higher price, you're still speculating the Market Value of your House.

Save Money in your Bank Saving Account - essentially this is a safe investment as you can calculate your return based on interests rates, however many people do not account Inflation. Fiat Currency stored in Bank Depreciates in Value but at least you're guarantee a certain Return and protection

Speculative Trading - Any Money used to purchase Stock, Commodities or any similar type of Investment are not guaranteed!

I say that most people don't really know how reinvest their money because they are not willing to take Risk, i doubt that 1 out 10 Humans in this world would consider any financial Investment, because they are not willing to risk their money.

But today,
we have Steemit and other great upcoming projects, i think people fail to realise that money is not the main motivation behind a good investment. Individuals who invest their money, tend to have strong sentimental value for their decision, thus they believe in themselves that they are making the right choice. They are all risk takers just like you and me, but they willing to risk it all to make a profit. A classic example is Warren Buffet...

( Did you know that Buffet has heavily Invested in Cola, and Buffett argued that he simply drinks Coke because he likes it, adding that if you do what you want you’ll live longer. Which is the perfect kind of unprovable life lesson but also gives us glimpse of his way of Investing, he invest in businesses that he believes has value )

Please let me know if you have any sort of Investment which guarantees a fixed certain amount, i would be happy to invest

But i highly doubt there is! You must be asking yourself why do people invest in the first place. The reason is Sentimental Value, you should never invest in something you don't feel right about or think it has no future! Never listen to anyone that claims there is an guarantee fixed amount in profit ( without prove ), if you believe in something that you're qualified to invest in it, because you'll dedicate yourself to it!
When your money is on the line, you'll think twice before you make a decision to spend it. When you invest your money, you're putting your money on the line because you expect some sort of Return. It is that simple,
You Invest Because You Expect a Return! This also means that you willing to Risk your Investment!

So if most Investment are risky why are there so many people out there taking Risk without there being a guarantee return. This is were Human Sentimental value comes in play, many of us invest in something we believe will succeed this causes many us to start speculating.

The Constant battle in our mind forms where we ask ourselves ;
Am i making the right choice investing in this business, will it give me a potential return on mine investment!

That's how most people would ask themselves before investing!
However i don't think you should be asking yourself this, because when you're essentially ready to use your money, you should feel some sort of intrinsic value associate to your choice of investment

Now that we have Steemit, why are there so many people engaging in this community, you might be asking yourself is it for the money? Well, Steemit is really rewarding but the real reason is because people believe in Steemit. We believe that Steemit has value that is why we engage in this community. There are alternative Social Platforms out there, but why haven't they caught on yet like how Steemit has? Have you seen the amount of what Steemians that are Happy with this platform, there is so much sentimental Value here which is the primarily the reason why Steemit is so valuable today.

Think about it, is just a social platform build on top of STEEM, STEEM is digital currency which has value now. If someone think's Steemit has no future, than why would the contribute back to the community , to earn worthless STEEM?

Why would anyone dedicate themselves to earn a worthless cryptocurrency?

The answer to that is, no one would ! STEEM has Value, and the value is created through our Sentimental feelings we have for this platform
If you want to emulate a classic value style, Warren Buffett is a great role model. Early in his career, Buffett said, "I'm 85% Benjamin Graham." Graham is the godfather of value investing and introduced the idea of intrinsic value - the underlying fair value of a stock based on its future earnings power.

What is Intrinsic Value ?
The intrinsic value is the actual value of a company or an asset based on an underlying perception of it's true value including all aspects of the business, in terms of both tangible and intangible factors. This value may or may not be the same as the current market value.

So again Buffett may buys some things and doesn’t buy others; you can figure out why on your own. The Berkshire meeting, then, isn’t about listening to what Buffett actually says but about absorbing what he stands for.

He believes in Coke, but did you know that he himself is a Coca Cola Addict, not because it will help drive his investment up, because has found sentimental value in his favourite beverages, he drinks it because it makes him happy and enjoys the drink.

To sum things up now, i enjoy Steemit not only because it pays me STEEM as i invest my time into it, but i generally enjoy being socially active within the Community, i would recommend everyone to re-valuate why you're here on Steemit.

We are essentially bootstrapping a digital currency here, so if there are more user on here trying to just earn money our cryptocurrency wouldn't have any value it has today. It will have much more value in future, once achieves Billions Users like Facebook, Reddit and other popular social media, there will be a sentimental consensus that Steemit estalibshed a community which redistributes financial value among its investor's.

Saw a couple of Statement made about the Steemit:

Steemit is project which tricks un-qualified investors to invest money within the platform
It's a Ponzi-Scam
We are not unqualified investors, you have access to the whitepaper, you can explore the blockchain, you can vote witnesses, you can post & Curate and you don't need to put in money to start using the platform. Those who contiune to remain active on here, are individuals who feel that Steemit has foreseeable future, thus by contributing you're earning digital currency which has Intrinsic Value. You believe that this platform will succeed, the reason which gets you to invest your time into the platform. Just like How Buffet enjoys his Coke, we enjoy our time on Steemit, you can choose to invest more money but we are granted the opportunity to invest time and effort. This is a 21st century opportunity to be part of something increadible, we believe in Banks & Government, don't tell me we didn't have a choice but with Steemit you're given the chance to earn yourself in to be part of something bigger, a community which thrives to redistribute wealth among those who believe in it.

We as Steemians decide the value of STEEM, so i urge everyone to invest some money into Steem or better just to hang on to your Steem , don't exchange it unless you urgently need to because your sentimental value for STEEM will drive your investment thats if you dedicate to see the bigger picture, enjoy the platform for what is it as you become part of the Community and don't worry about the price of STEEM because it's just a speculative number


This write up is for all steemians community

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