Seth Godin on Being Remarkable, Spreading Ideas and Finding Otaku!
How do you get your ideas to spread?
Next in the series of interesting TED Talks from over the years. Following on from yesterday's whether you should keep goals to yourself; today it's all about ideas, and more importantly, getting them to spread…
I'm sure you're familiar with Seth Godin, seen him among marketing circles online and even read his books. I've only read Tribes, but he has a few more to his name.
He has also given at least 3 TED Talks, the first of which (from back in 2003) we'll look at here... hopefully he'll be answering a question we all need answered, especially if you're trying to get ahead in business, launch a project… or encourage the take up of a certain blockchain! ;)
Source: TED/YouTube
15 years for sliced bread to become a success... who'd have thought it?! Even clichés have to get the word out!
So, as ever, find your people. Don't try and be everything to everyone... or you'll end up being nothing to anyone. Just another commodity, ten a penny.
Far better to have 90% who hate your guts and 10% psychotically devouring your offerings than 100% of the people who are indifferent. Indifference in this context is bad... no-one buying and no-one talking about you or your ideas.
We have to find our edge, be true to it and beaverishly seek out those who believe what we believe and discard the rest. This has become ever more important with the increase in all the noise and distractions along with the decrease of our attentions spans.
And here's an excerpt from a blog post of his:
"Hang in there
Is there anything more difficult?
Showing up day after day, week after week, sometimes for years, as your movement slowly gains steam, as your organization hits speed bumps, as the news goes from bad to worse...
Showing up, it turns out, is the hardest part of making a difference.
Make a list of the organizations and voices and movements that have made a difference. How old are they? How long have they been at it?
Creating impact, building something of substance, changing the culture... this is the work of a lifetime, not merely a fun project.
It's not easy, but I have a feeling you're up for it. Because it matters"
~ Seth Godin
So... on that Friday Thought, be remarkable and find your otaku! :)
~ Adam
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