idea for a million. a continuation
Hello, friends. I continue to describe my thoughts (ideas). In this article I will briefly describe its essence, well, in subsequent articles we will begin to implement our plans.
The whole point is to create a product that will be simple and understandable to users.
To do this, we will create a virtual asset, but which will depend on real events taking place in the world. Events may be different, but for the beginning we plan to focus on sports events. If it is simpler to say, then everything should happen approximately as follows:
The user visits the site and buys a share in our asset. The price of the asset itself depends on the events in the real world. If the event ends with a positive result, the price of the asset rises by a certain percentage, and in cases where the result of the event is negative, the price falls accordingly.
Buying and selling shares of the asset will occur between users on the domestic exchange. At any time, the user will be able to put up for sale his share of the asset, but only at the price determined by the events that occurred earlier. Events will be selected in such a way that in the long run the price only showed growth. This will ensure the profitability of the project and its clients, and the fact that the events on which the value of the asset depends will not only be easy to verify, but also predict - this will give transparency and density.
And of course, one of the most important elements of the project is to use its own cryptocurrency as a payment system and inside currency.
And since our asset will only grow in the long run, then, accordingly, our value will increase with it, which will bring additional income to the project.
Since this is only an idea so far, and to create such a project and promotion you need financial investments, I want to offer you to test this system without investing much money or not investing anything at all. But, about it already in the following articles.
Friends, if you're interested, what I write about, subscribe to my blog. Together, we will test this scheme and maybe even earn some money before the release of a full-fledged project.
I also duplicate articles on steemit, so if you do not have an account on steemit, I recommend starting one, perhaps important events will take place there regarding the project. Also in the near future a telegram channel will be created there, we will gather our supporters and subscribers.
See you ))