Hi Steem, yesterday I got a special Steem blog dedicated to me and after looking it I was inspired but I need you all to give me your opinions.
Steemian's The Photo Gallery
So after I begun looking at all of my pictures off line and on line I realized it was time to scan them on to the computer so my partner in crime could upload them to the cloud we have, but the idea I got was to create a Gallery where different people on Steemit could post their pictures not so much art like paintings and art in nature but Im talking about just nice, neat, funny, cool, or even rare photos. Who knows maybe it could be like d.tube or steem where the content can get steem dollars or something of that sort.? What do you all think? I have a creative thinking class that requires us to start a project on 9/22/2017 with a 1 month and 9 day dead line, if at least 12 people will back this up I've convinced my partner in crime aka Dad aka @carterx7 to help me, he does coding much better than I do, and he understands block chain, and the API, this isn't for sure right now but with enough people liking it I'd at least try. Thank you Steem for reviewing my blog, I hope to make more soon.
I found the picture on here on this website
Thanks everyone for reading.
So i see you decided to give it a shot huh? If thats the case Ill get the stuff were going ti need to start let me know tomorrow if we are moving forward and ill have some stuff prepped for your creativty thursday.:) good deal
Great idea @paperbackbook, it good for people in steemit
fascinating thought - I'm interested
Sounds awesome!! Whatever support you need ..I'm here :) :)