Ocean-cleansing-network modules
søndag 8. januar 2012
cybergreenteck by kimterje83 ocean-cleansing-network mondules
Ocean-cleansing-network modules
pollution cleaners, scientific data collectors, web based controllable. Google earth located and under water mapping output. vpn like network framework made from modules, modules can be controlled ower Internet gui, one module can be administrator or drone. modules can be connected in a chain where one mondule are hosting drones . all mondules can administrate or follow.
Ocean modules web based data collection, underwater mapping, water cwality, ecco fish live feed. (connected to Google earth) Google undersea... cleansing modules producing bio fuel.... ass a product of waste....algae farming on topp and sustrat making it ocean algae farms cleansing water eating shitt producing bio fuel
Idea and design by kimterje83
Lagt inn av kimterje83 kl. Ingen kommentarer:
i made this on a blogger site of mine in 2012 god idea
Geniuse the idea is something that you can get crowdfounding for you must make a kickstarter the Work is going to have a great potential to be a good idea
God post up voted and still following