How to buy and sell Iconomi (ICN)
Iconomi (ICN)
ICONOMI is a fintech start-up company, developing a blockchain-based ICONOMI digital asset management platform. Using Ethereum smart contracts, we started value token services in a revolutionary way. From the beginning, we have been building a different kind of company that connects people around the world through the latest disruptive ideas and provides them with a unique set of tools to take an active part in the distributed economy. ICONOMI's mission is to give everyone the chance to enter the world of digital assets and make the new economy more open and connected.
ICONOMI is a group of talented teammates with a variety of expertise and knowledge. Constantly working in an atmosphere of consideration, experimentation, and creation, strong values and relations are even more important to us. Since progress is never neither swift nor easy, we support a sense of togetherness and diversity of perspectives.
How to buy sell Iconomi (ICN)
CoinSwitch is a cryptocurrency exchange aggregator supporting over 250 cryptocurrencies and providing the best rates by comparing rates across all major exchanges. Now you can trade or exchange Iconomi (ICN) at the best rates on CoinSwitch.
Here is how you can buy/sell it from CoinSwitch: Click Here
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