Blackbox OS - Decentralized platform for managing future work

in #ico6 years ago (edited)


The time is not far off when artificial intelligence will gradually take on the human labor force. We can not deny the influence of AI in our many aspects of life. Also, one can not deny how he is going to replace human labor and employment in the near future. Repetitive and monotonous tasks will be subject to the risk of automation. Such tasks as operation and production line in factories, documentation, customer service, banking services, wage labor, etc., will exceed and exceed the robots. Thus, the human workforce is on the verge of decline. In addition, traditional organizations do not have the infrastructure and the necessary technological tools for the optimal use of their employees. Employees are often unhappy because of a lack of proper infrastructure.

In today's world, the gap between the rich and the poor is growing, the unemployment rate is high even in advanced countries, the competition for pumping resources from the planet is disastrous for the environment. All these are consequences of the traditional approach to work.

We spend a third of our life on it, while we constantly have to learn new skills, retrain, change professions ... From self-realization and self-affirmation in society, work has turned for the majority purely as a means of subsistence. A fundamentally new approach to the organization of labor on a global scale is offered by the Blackbox start-up.

The Blackbox or BBOS operating system was developed by a highly efficient group of professionals whose sole purpose was to collaborate with artificial intelligence and human resources to create a more balanced model for future work.

What is the Blackbox Foundation?

The Blackbox Foundation, based in New York in the middle of last year, is developing a professional Blackbox Network and a platform/similarity of the operating system for distributed Blackbox OS work.


Conceptually sounds like a freelance exchange of a new generation (for teams), but in fact, everything is much deeper and more original.

Blackbox established and operates her Jason Jay Souza. This is an entrepreneur working in the IT field. He is also associated with several venture funds. At the moment, more than 60 specialists are working under his leadership - candidates of science, former top managers, engineers, founders of technological start-ups ...

The track record of Blackbox employees is impressive: Google, NVIDIA, PayPal, Microsoft, Disney, IBM, Intel, and Apple. Such a team is quite capable of rolling out a global project.

The Blackbox Foundation is connected with Blackbox AI (it is also run by Souza). If the first task is to popularize, educate and support a new model of work, the second one is engaged in operating activities, development, the involvement of users and partners. The foundation of the platform is self-learning AI and block.

How it works?


Based on the Ethereum platform, the Blackbox OS operating system or BBOS is a next-generation next-generation ecosystem, managed by tokens, which is aimed at servicing the Blackbox network, consisting of holders of tokens, organizations and other companies. BBOS eliminates repetitive work processes and creates a more technological future for the workforce. Futuristic module Blackbox, managed by AI, will overcome the gap between organizations and improve human cooperation. Decentralization will reduce costs and increase confidence in the network.

When a project is sent to the Blackbox, the software will look for and coordinate any repetitive tasks. The quality control team will ensure maximum quality of tasks, track reputation and ensure transparency. Organizations can receive revenue through smart contracts and the BBOS token.

Blackbox is based on two concepts that look pretty on paper:
  • Meritocracy, when the top positions are occupied by the most worthy in the team.
  • Egalitarianism, implying the same economic, legal and political opportunities for community members.
How will come out in the end - we'll see. Both models do not take root in the conditions of capitalism. Blackbox states that in a happy tomorrow thanks to the new platform, employees will go through the career ladder, regardless of ties, origin, residence and social status.

Blackbox perfectly suits companies engaged in IT. They, as a rule, do not care, in Uruguay the person lives or China, the main thing is that the specialist should be sensible.

The team leader, having registered on the platform, will connect to it all subordinates. The tasks will be fixed in the detachment, decisions will be made by a common vote (the blockage is also fine for this).


The Blackbox system is available on all current devices operating under popular OSes.

Blackbox will allow you to create an individual schedule and stick to it. BBOS token holders (on the ERC-20) are promised access to training materials for professional development, seminars, and events organized by the platform. The creators of the platform expect that over time there will be a wide network of communities for professional interests.

It's interesting that the system itself will reckon the employees (AI), relying on several metrics like the complexity of the task, speed of execution, etc. There will also be a system of reputation, through which workers will "advance in the service." There are even compensations (Blackbox organizes a special fund).

Another feature of the Blackbox is its modularity. Apparently, a businessman can not just go to the platform, attract a team and invite her to work. We will need special modules to expand the functionality of Blackbox OS, for example, the accounting module.

Elements of Blackbox

The five elements of the organizational structure, which will focus on this project, are management, compensation, identification, and security. The mission of the project is to look into the brains of each system by introducing a flexible solution to the BBOS because the internal system of project proposals allows the viability of the voting process, reconciliation of goals and constructive feedback. In terms of compensation, this process leads to the involvement of quality personnel, improving the quality of work.

Identification indicates the participants' personal data. The main one is the name, e-mail address, and employee's number. Management is defined as the achievement of organizational goals through people and resources, but with the help of the token of the BBOS project, this direction is improving. The token itself also provides security to the system as a whole from malicious users. This eliminates the threat of external factors and increases the reliability of data. Along with this, for the organization of business processes, there is less risk of using third-party applications, tools or dependencies for enterprises as a whole.

Why invest in Blackbox?

In modern companies, the contribution of employees to the "common cause" is assessed subjectively (taken from the ceiling indicators, bias, opinion of superiors ...). Reputation system, smart contracts and joint voting on the Blackbox will avoid confusion, will help to stand out really the best.

Blackbox is focused on individual entrepreneurs, contractors, freelancers, consultants, etc. Most likely, the new approach will not take root in corporations and spheres not related to IT, where the mandatory presence of a person in the office/production is required. However, this does not depreciate the system.

The market for work through the Internet is on the rise, there is no shortage of users on the platform.




Blackbox promises to reduce costs for businessmen, increase efficiency and increase the value of the "human resource".

It will identify the most creative and interested employees as a result. In general, the approach to working on the platform should be more meaningful, flexible, motivated. Blackbox wants to "re-think" the principles of work organization - I hope she will succeed.

#BlackboxFoundation #BlackboxNetwork #BlackboxOS #BBOSToken #BlackboxAI #FutureofWork

For more information about the project and the opportunities to participate, go to the links below:


BTT Username: vital001
ETH: 0xEF872356BA58109aCad2A38BCf6b0d445e146f53

Thanks for the article, very interesting! A strong team of the project makes it possible to understand that it has a great future.

The idea of ​the project is understandable, but it will certainly be difficult to implement it because they already seem to have competitors, let's see what will happen, the author will be thankful for the review.

Good project well describe bro

@vital-bd it's nice, informative and helpful, thanks for sharing brother

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