Viewo, a revolution in fair video ranking and social media privacy
Fair Content Ranking Algorithms
It’s well known amongst the general public (it has also been reported via various news outlets) that most video platforms alter their ranking algorithms due to the whims and demands of advertisers.
Viewo feels very strongly that a video sharing platform should be built around the needs and wants of its user base. As such, videos should be ranked based on the merits of the video as opposed to what advertisers are interested in. How can we determine the merits of a video?
• Number of real views
• Likes
• Comments
• Ratings
• Shares
Viewo believes that the highest quality and the most in demand videos should be ranked at the top, with less desirable content lower down in the rankings.
Advertisers are important as they support the platform financially so the technology and business costs are covered. Even so, it’s the quality of the content and the needs of users that should dictate what content is shown.
Privacy is also a burning issue in the world of social media now. Users are correct when they express concerns about how and where their data will be used. Virtually all major social media platforms (including the well-known video sharing platforms) make it confusing to find and understand their privacy options. This seems to be done on purpose so the networks can exploit their users for profit.
Viewo is serious about privacy. With that being said, we want all users to understand exactly where their data will be used, and make it easy to opt-in and opt-out of data and profile sharing. Viewo is of the mindset that all privacy options should be clear and easy to understand in language that you’re familiar with.
A user shouldn’t be asked to click tens of times to find hidden sub menus of where their data is shared. These nested options rightfully create a feeling of distrust between the platform and the user.
It is Viewo’s aim and goal to create a video sharing platform with fair ranking algorithms, clear and easy to understand privacy options, and high user rewards and satisfaction.
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