Write Your ICO White Paper yourself — Says an ICO White Paper Writer
So, you’ve decided to launch your ICO and are looking for a suitable writer to draft your ICO white paper? At the risk of killing my business, I advise you to seriously consider writing it yourself. What did I just say? Is a professional ICO White Paper writer seriously saying that?
Hear me out, it’s for your own good.
The meteoric rise of cryptocurrencies and the ICO business has sent all ICO consultants (myself included) into an overdrive. This has led to a severe overwhelming of the talent by the shroud of mediocrity. With several consultancies offering ICO packages at throwaway prices, the race to the bottom has never before been so hard fought.
When you procure items at throwaway prices, you ultimately end up throwing it out away for good.
This brings me to you, the person with the idea that might potentially shoot for the moon but stays shackled by downright abysmal marketing.
Content might be king but marketing is queen and she runs the household — Gary Vynerchuk
If you aren’t the best person to write the white paper for your product, a paid-by-the-hour writer ain’t going to cut any ice either. Ask yourself this, how much returns can you get from a $100 investment? Is it 20%,200%, or is it 2000%?
Sounds ludicrous?
Yet, you expect a writer to give you a 9,999,900 % return.
This is better than the all the mooning cryptocurrencies combined. Trust yourself to do a better job and write that white paper yourself. Many ICO consultancies will try to influence you otherwise but you must stay strong.
But writing is not your cup of tea you say. That’s okay. Pen it yourself and call it the first draft. Do not fret over grammar.
You are selling a product to people, not Grammar Nazis.
Multiple grammatical errors on Sony’s website has never hampered their sales. Most leading publications and newspapers have an average of 30 errors per publication. Has it ever affected their sales and viewership? No.
An editor of a leading English daily went on to say, “we put in a few errors deliberately because we know that some people read just to find them.”
Now, take a break and send it out for a review by three trusted colleagues/family members. A mentor called it “the rule of three” when he taught me about it. These reviewers do not need to be crypto-experts. They just need to review the grammar and phraseology. Do yourself a favor and accept each of the common suggestions.
If multiple people are suggesting the same correction, accept it in your stride.
When this review is completed and implemented, now reach out to a good ICO White Paper writer (myself included) and get it edited by them. Such a review will not take longer than a couple of days.
The product that emerges is the true reflection of your idea because you created the first draft. It contains the essence of your product because both came from the same ideator. Such resonance garners more resonance from investors/contributors to your ICO.
Keep it Short
The only thing you need is an ICO white paper template and a mental note that you will not write more than 900 words per section of the white paper. If you can’t explain anything in under that word-limit, you’re doing it wrong. The ICO White Paper Structure should follow the following flow. You can (i highly suggest it) play with the titles of the segments but the basic idea must remain the same.
Legal statements/Disclaimers
Executive Summary/Abstract
ICO Summary
Pain Points of the Industry
Your Solution
Business Model
Token Design
Technical Architecture
ICO Details
Planned Use of Proceeds
Project Roadmap
Team and Advisors
There you go, do try writing your first ICO white paper. It’s not as daunting as it looks like. Once you start writing, a natural flow develops and you’ll have the first draft ready in no time.
If you have any queries/suggestions, do put it down in the comments section below.